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The CEO Alpha King novel Chapter 15

  Writer's POV

  Serena tossed about on her bed, before opening her eyes. Staring up at the ceiling, the first thought that came to her mind was the King's words from last night.

  A scent filled her nose and she sat up to see Isaac dozing off on the only sofa in her room. She smiled, picking up her phone on the nightstand.

  She gasped when she saw a text message from Martins.

  Glancing briefly at the time across her screen, she put the phone away, hoping to read the text later. She was late! She had to be at the king's chambers now.

  She stood up quickly, and headed for the bathroom when Isaac's voice stopped her.

  "Serena, you are awake?" Isaac asked, rubbing his tired eyes as he rose to his feet.

  "Yes Isaac, I need to run to the king's chamber. I can't believe I slept in." She gushed, retreating to the bathroom, Isaac following her as she slammed the door.

  "The king left already, he is not in the castle. Grandma Felicia took care of him." Isaac said, yawning outside the bathroom door.

  Serena opened the door slightly, only popping her head and Isaac raised a brow.

  "Really?" She asked.

  "Yes, that is the reason why I didn't wake you. He gave you a different task though, you are to make dinner for him, consisting of all his favorite dishes" Issac said and she groaned.

  "What? Dinner tonight? I don't know how to cook his favorite meals, Isaac."

  "Yeah, he has given orders for Betty and the rest to teach you that. You are going to get really busy once you step out of this room, so take your time to shower." Isaac yawned before heading back to the couch.

  Serena grumbled, slamming the door harder probably scaring Isaac who was already dozing off.

  After finishing her business, she came out with a towel to see a dress laid out on her bed. It was an off shoulder dress, with small white stones. One that Isaac had bought for her. She chuckled, glancing at him before heading back to the bathroom to dress.

  As she stood in front of the mirror, she started to brush her hair, stopping briefly to admire herself. She looked beautiful in the dress. It touched her knees and made her look too serious for a slave.

  "I can assume that you are dressed already." Isaac yawned looking around the room sleepily before finding Serena, his jaw dropped as he stood up to admire her more.

  She blushed under his gaze before speaking.

  "Yes Isaac. Did you sleep in my room last night?"

  "Yes. I couldn't leave you in that state. I had to make sure you were okay." Isaac replied, coming to stand behind her.

  He collected the brush from Serena.

  "Let me." He said, and started brushing her hair. For a guy he did a really good job.

  "So, how are you feeling now?" Isaac inquired.

  "I don't even know, Isaac. I don't know how I'm gonna cope." Serena mumbled sadly.

  "You will, S. You will, until I get you out of here."

  Serena quickly turned her head to stare up at him, the brush hanging off the side of her head clinging to her hair.

  "Get me out of here? You have a way?" She gasped in shock.

  "Yes. I do, I have a way." Issac smiled at her, turning her face back to the mirror to resume brushing.

  "What way is that, Issac? It's not as if I'm doubting you but, slaves aren't free born anymore." She asked, looking up at him from the mirror.

  But she was met with silence and only the sound of her brush against her hair. He took a hair band from her wrist and pulled her hair in a ponytail before going to sit on his sister's bed.

  Serena turned to him, glaring daggers at him before he sighed.

  "I've had this idea ever since I got here. So there are only two ways a slave can ever be free from their master, the king.

  One way is if they are dead and the second way is if the king frees them.

  So the second option won't work because the king will never free you. We'll have to go with the first option." Isaac said nonchalantly.

  "What? You'll have me dead, you want me to die?" Serena asked in disbelief, stumping angrily towards him.

  Isaac stood up immediately, grabbing her shoulders.

  "You'll have to stop breathing, a corpse can't stay in the king's castle more than two hours, S. You'll have to stop breathing for two hours for that to happen." Isaac explained.

  "But...but how is that...how is that..?" Serena stuttered.

  Isaac pulled her to the bed before flopping beside her.

  "There is this drug that can do that to wolves and even humans. I'll have to get the one that will make you stop breathing for two hours and the one that will make your body temperature turn cold like that of a dead wolf. I'll also get the one that will wake you up after two hours.

  I'll get you out of the castle and shoot you with the serum. It will be easy and painless, S. I promise, I won't harm you. It won't harm you either." He said, touching her face and bringing her eyes to meet his.

  Her heartbeat increased and a worried look appeared on her face.

  "But..what if we get caught? What if..?"

  "No. We won't. Trust me this idea has been in my head for years, it will work perfectly. I will make sure of that." Isaac assured.

  "What about you then? How will you get out?" Serena inquired, relaxing into his touch.

  "I will, I will go to the king and ask him to grant me the permission to leave. I am only a servant, it's way easier, he'll let me leave." Isaac responded before smiling, running down his fingers across her cheeks.

  "After that, we'll go far away, we'll stay away from LA. And we'll live happily, how about that?"

  She smiled, nodding her head in agreement as a scene of her living freely flashed in her head.

  "Okay. I trust you." She said, "When will that be though?"

  "I'm waiting for the perfect time. The king will have to be around. It might be the day he has given you a lot of work to do, then it'll be as if you suddenly fainted and eventually died from overwork. It would be perfect, so please, before that time, S, I want you to manage, I want you to do everything he asks of you. Please try not to make any mistakes, okay?" Isaac asked worriedly.




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