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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 124

Chapter 124 I Will Retaliate Against Whoever Slanders Me 

Priscilla was eager to defend Lysander still. I’m telling the truth. Lysander was only trying to help me. She has no designs on Mr. Guerra… 

Enough,Harry interrupted her with a hint of disgust, If Mrs. Guerra asks you to hold your tongue, then you should keep your mouth shut.” 


1:18 PM 

Chapter 124 I Will Retaliate Against Whoever Slanders Me 

But I can’t let Lysander be wrongly accused.” 

Whenever Lysander was mentioned, Harry did feel a bit guilty. He rubbed his nose and cleared his throat before saying, Lysander is quite capable, so don’t worry.” 

Feeling a pang of guilt, Priscilla glanced at Lysander. Lysander responded with a smile, but her words were directed at the other two. Mr. Molsey is right. Anyone who dares to slander me will have to face my retaliation.” 

Harry said awkwardly. It’s all a misunderstanding.” 

Since it’s a misunderstanding, let’s clear it up as soon as possible.” 

Harry hadn’t expected her to suddenly lash out, his expression shifted slightly. Clear what up?” 

The socalled misunderstanding you’re talking about.” 

Confused, Lysanne turned to Harry and asked, What’s going on?” 

Harry was hesitant to meet Lysander’s gaze. It’s nothing really, it’s just that 1” 

Knock, knock, knock…. 

Right then, a knock was heard on the door

Priscilla thought it was the nurse coming to change her medication, so she quickly said, Come in.” 

Yet, the one who pushed the door open wasn’t a nurse

The most surprised of them all was Harry. His face immediately lit up with joy. MMr. Guerra, what brings you here?” 

Josiah was carrying a bunch of health supplements in his hand. Seeing the crowd in the ward, he was somewhat taken aback. I came to visit Ms. Ziegler” 

He set the health supplements he was holding on the table. Take good care of yourself and get well soon.” 

Priscilla was somewhat bewildered. She never had much interaction with Josiah, and they barely knew each other. Now that he suddenly showed up to give her health supplements, she was momentarily at a loss. Umokay. Thank you, Mr. Guerra.” 

Josiah gave a slight nod, then turned his gaze towards Lysander

She looked like she had completely moved on. Appearing calm and professional, she was examining the medical records while jotting down notes

What are you doing here?” 

Suddenly, Lysanne spoke, her face full of pride and defiance. You want to make peace now? It’s too late! What were you doing last night?” 

Josiah retracted his gaze from Lysander, his expression solemn. I came to visit Ms. Ziegler, not to seek reconciliation. After all, I’ve done nothing wrong

Lysanne turned around abruptly, instinctively sweeping her gaze around the room. Josiah, what are you talking about? Since when do you know Ms. Ziegler? Aren’t you just looking for an excuse to see me… 


Josiah remained nonchalant. I’m just stating the facts.” 

Continue being stubborn then.she said

3:18 PM 

Chapter 124 | Will Retaliate Against Whoever Slanders Me 

Lysander pointed towards the door, her tone icy as she said, If you must argue, take it outside. The patient needs to rest, so keep your voices down.” 

Lysanne immediately changed the topic. Who said we were arguing? Josiah and I are getting along just fine!” 

*Could you please take your public display of affection elsewhere? Please show the patient some consideration.” 


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