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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 661

The Charming ExWife 

Chapter 661 Help By Spending Money 


It was no surprise that Nilou suggested selling each item for such a low price. She didn’t believe that her. father’s labor and effort were without value; instead, her proposal aimed at moving the items more quickly to avoid overburdening her parents with unsold stock lingering around the house

When the woman noticed Josiah and Lysander’s keen interest in Nilou’s words, she became visibly anxious. She feared they might suspect her of inflating the prices. Hastily, she assured them, Don’t worry. As we agreed, each one will only cost you one buck. Feel free to pick any you like. I can even offer you a discount if you decide to buy several.” 

Josiah had already made up her mind to pay the market price for these straw origami, yet he didn’t immediately reveal his intention. Instead, he simply nodded, agreeing solemnly to the woman’s offer

Relieved by their response, the woman warmly invited them, Then please, take your time exploring- There are more straw origami just behind the eaves. If you’d like to pick lotus flowers, just head down the steps. And I heard from my daughter that you’re planning to watch the fireflies tonight. You’ll be able to see them from right here in the yard.” 

The statements made by the woman were truthful and straightforward, devoid of any commercial exaggeration. The house was indeed modest, comprising a central living room intended for hosting guests, flanked by a single room on each side

The household was home to fourtwo adults and two children. Normally, each group slept separately. With Lysander and Josiah considering an overnight stay, it was uncertain if there would be sufficient room. to accommodate them comfortably

Sensing their hesitation, Nilou quickly perceived their concerns. With reassuring sweetness, she told them, Dr. Thorne, don’t worry. There’s a small house just behind ours. It’ll only take a moment to prepare; it’s usually unoccupied but always kept clean. It’s also an excellent spot for stargazing and watching fireflies.” 

Before leaving to make preparations, she instructed her brother, Go tell Dad that we have guests. Mom plans to cook fish for lunch. If Dad’s still busy, you’ll need to catch one at the lake.” 

The boy nodded and scampered off, vanishing in an instant

After saying this, Nilou then picked up the firewood stacked in the room and went to assist her mother with lunch preparations. To conserve their limited food supply, the family typically ate just two meals a daya light breakfast and a more substantial lunch

In the sunlit hall, only Lysander and Josiah remained. Josiah carefully peeled a lotus seed, tasting it before offering the rest to Lysander. It’s indeed sweet,he remarked, not bitter at all.” 

Lysander, after tasting a seed, softly added, Lotus seeds really are best when fresh.” 

Josiah, now adept at peeling, chose another vibrant lotus seed from the bamboo basket to prepare

After placing another peeled seed on the tray before her, he continued with the task

As Lysander nibbled on the seeds, she quietly inquired, Are you sure you want to stay here tonight to watch the stars and fireflies?” 

Absolutely,Josiah replied without hesitation. I’ve always wanted to address the regrets between us. With such a perfect opportunity before us, why wouldn’t I take it?” 


08:32 Tue, 2Jul MDF 

Chapter 663 Help By Spending Money 



Lysander spoke in a hushed tone. I must tell you, the small house behind this one is even smaller than this main house. It’s just a simple mudbrick structure, probably used as a resting spot during fishing seasons in the past. It looks like it hasn’t been used in a while. The roof might even leak.” 

In the village, modest living was the norm; resources were scarce, so even when new houses were built, the old ones were rarely demolished. The condition of this additional small house at Nilou’s place likely mirrored that of the other modest dwellings

Being accustomed to this environment, Nilou might not see anything amiss with the small house. However, Josiah, who had spent restless nights even in the more comfortable dorm of the health center, would undoubtedly find the accommodations challenging

Considering his cold hadn’t fully recovered, Lysander pressed further, I never doubted your resolve or your ability to withstand hardship. But you just came off an IV drip yesterday. Staying in a small, earthen rural housefar removed from the sanitary conditions of a clinic or the village chief’s homeis akin to surviving in the wild” 

Josiah paused midpeel. It shouldn’t rain tonight, but the draft might be an issue. Let’s see how it feels when we get there. If it’s too uncomfortable, we could always set up a tent inside.” 

Surprised, Lysander questioned, A tent? This isn’t a hotelwhere are you going to get one?” 

In the trunk,Josiah said casually. I drove to town last night and bought it.” 

Astonished, Lysander asked, I thought you went to the bank?” 

Josiah nodded. That was one of my errands. But after withdrawing money, I saw some stores still open. It seemed wasteful not to make a purchase. Plus, it helps support the local economy.” 

Every time the villagers ventured out, they returned with bags full of goods, so Josiah’s reasoning was convincing

As Lysander continued to enjoy the lotus seeds, she inquired about his purchases, half in disbelief that he had only bought a tent

Josiah began to list his acquisitions, I’ve got all the camping gear we might need. Even if that small house had not just a leaky roof but also walls that let in drafts from all sides, we’re prepared. I bought two tents, sleeping bags, and brandnew fourpiece kits. I even included mosquito nets, considering the insects here in the mountains.” 

He had practically emptied the town’s only outdoor supply store. Initially, the shopkeeper had been skeptical, but upon realizing Josiah’s intentions, he opened the warehouse for him to pick his needs

Lysander looked at him, a mix of amusement and incredulity on her face. Are you turning the Cayenne into a cargo truck?” 

As long as it serves our needs.Josiah nodded. I wasn’t sure what we might need, so I packed it all. We can sort it out later tonight depending on the situation. And these straw origamiI really like them. What do 

you think?” 

Knowing Josiah’s resources, Lysander understood that purchasing the entire house wouldn’t be a stretch for him. Moreover, she knew his visit wasn’t just for pleasure; he was playing the role of a generous benefactor. Nilou, bright and beloved, clearly held a special place in Josiah’s affections

He looked at Lysander intently. Do you have a favorite among these?” 


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