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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 133

Chapter 133 Never Seen Josiah In Such A State 

As Lysanne spoke, she lifted her hand to strike Lysander

With quick reflexes, Josiah swiftly pulled Lysander behind him

A resounding smack rang out as Lysanne’s hand landed heavily on Josiah’s left check

Everyone was stunned.. 

Lysander was all talk previously, so that was the first time she physically made a move against Josiah

Worse still, it was in front of his mother and grandmother

Josiah, I dare you to betray me! If you do, I swear I’ll make you regret it for the rest of your life!” 

Lysander’s heart leaped into her throat

After suffering the slap, Josiah remained with his head tilted to the left without turning his face back for a long time. His goldrimmed glasses had slipped off, leaving only one end hanging precariously from his ear

His expression was somewhat frightening

There was an oppressive sense of an impending storm

Lysander had never seen Josiah in such a state. Like a provoked lion, his entire being radiated an energy poised to strike. It was as if he would tear his prey apart with his bare hands in the next moment

In that moment, she suddenly started believing Mileswords

He claimed that Josiah was respected among his peers because he wasn’t always the gentlemanly and gentle self he portrayed

It was merely that his volatile and dangerous side had never come to light before her. 

Lysander was slightly scared. Josiah, are you okay?” 

He lifted his head, his gaze so sharp and piercing that Lysander was compelled to swallow the rest of her 


At the side, Lysanne was still shrieking incessantly. Having struck Josiah just now, she was fully focused on cursing Lysander out right then. You’re such a b*tch! You may look decent on the outside, but all you do is despicable deeds! Do you lack men? If you do, just tell me. I’ll pay to get you a gigolo. Hell, I’ll get you dozens of them and have them keep you in bed for days until that part of you is all torn up. Then, we’ll see if you’ll still go out and seduce others” 

Initially, Lysander had no intention of taking offense to her. However, the further Lysanne went, the more unpleasant her words

In the end, the latter directly involved both her parents and reproductive organ

3:22 PM 

Chapter 133 Never Seen Josiah In Such A State 

Lyss! Your grandma is still here! Watch your words!Susan reprimanded

Josiah, you actually brought her to meet Grandma? You never even formally introduced me to Grandma! What a b’stard!” 

While saying that, she raised her hand to slap him again

But this time, before the slap could land, Josiah lifted a hand and forcefully smacked it away. Have y enough?” 


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