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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 150

Chapter 150 Your Regrets Are Your Business 

Lysander remained silent

Josiah didn’t say a word either

Daphne held her phone, not daring to utter a single word

Within the vast room, the only sound was the whistling wind echoing from the telephone

After a long while, the somewhat choked voice of Josiah was finally heard

I let my grandmother down. The last time we were at the resort, my mother had a hypertension crisis. Her interference almost delayed the emergency treatment. That should have been a wakeup call for me, but I never imagined she would dare to cause such a scene in front of my grandmother. And my grandmother, she didn’t even get to finish her last wordsAlso, the childrenOur childrenI had everything. a gentle wife, a warm home, and an unborn child. But now, Lysander, every time I see other people’s children, it feels like my heart has been brutally stabbedWhy has it come to this? I reallyI’m filled with regretLysanderhis voice was hoarse and deep, yet it seemed to carry a plea. If I were to now” 

Lysander interrupted him coldly, Josiah, there’s no such thing as ifin this world.” 

Josiah said nothing

If you’re feeling regretful, then that’s on you. We’re divorced now, we’re simply strangers. The last time you got drunk and acted out, I could forgive you once. However, I owe you nothing. I won’t use my life to fix your mistakes. Do you understand what I’m saying?” 

I understand, but……. 

There are no buts,Lysander said. Before we decided to divorce, I gave you numerous chances. It was you who made the choice, her over me. Have you forgotten?” 

Josiah didn’t say anything

So, you regret it now, and what? Should I be overwhelmed with gratitude and welcome back the prodigal son? Josiah, what do you tal 

me for? Before, you treated me as a substitute for Lysanne, and now, what? You 

see me as a backup?” 

Still, Josiah remained silent

We’ve lived together for three years, and I was oblivious to your affair with Lysander before. However, now that I know, do you really think I’m the kind of woman who can’t survive without you?” 

After a lengthy hesitation, Josiah perhaps realized his audacity and let out a heavy sigh. Of course, you’re 


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