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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 152

Chapter 152 Threatening The Parents 

Chapter 152 Threatening The Parents 

Lysander had thought countless times about saying, End the pregnancy, get a divorce, and start life anew.” 

However, Priscilla loved her unborn child so deeply, and as her doctor, Lysander felt it was inappropriate for her to encourage an abortion repeatedly

Additionally, there was the fact that Priscilla was still young, and she found herself pregnant shortly after graduation, even before getting married

She had absolutely no work experience to speak of, but she had a decent job that paid well, so that gave her more than a little confidence

Even though Priscilla’s father was a hospital director, deep down, she hadn’t yet fully transitioned from a little girl to a competent career woman. In the end, it was because her inner self wasn’t strong enough

Lysander, I truly admire you.Priscilla confessed. You’re so decisive and straightforward. When it’s time to divorce, you don’t hesitate or make things messy. However, my situation is different from yours. I already have a child. I can’t be as carefree as you.” 

Lysander wasn’t sure what advice to give

Perhaps the question was whether or not Lysander should persuade her

Then youmake sure to eat well, rest properly, and take good care of yourself. Even if it’s for the sake of the child, you can’t afford to lose any more weight.” 

Priscilla’s eyes were slightly teary. Mm, thank you, Lysander.” 

After leaving the ward, Lysander continued her rounds

The other expecting mothers were faring well, although their gazes toward her held a hint of fear

Lynn said, It could be because of what happened at the hospital entrance yesterday. You were so formidable that everyone’s probably scared of you now.” 

Lysander retorted, If someone tries to ruin my reputation and livelihood, it would be strange if I didn’t fight back.” 

Lynn deeply agreed with her, giving her a big thumb up

As Lysander was making her way down the corridor, preparing to return to her office, she heard a familiar 

voice once more

She had a keen ear for voices. Just from hearing the first few words, she recognized it. It was the mother of Lysanne

Molly pleaded, Josiah, I’m begging you. Lyss has always had a strong sense of pride. This incident has become public knowledge. If you reject her now, she will lose her mind. Josiah, can you consider it as saving Lysslife? I’ll beg you on my knees” 

Then, a thud was heard

From the corner of her eye, Lysander saw the middleaged woman who was originally seated in the wheelchair had fallen to the ground, sprawling on the floor. JosiahI beg you, I truly beg you… 

Her husband, a towering man in his fifties, was hunched over at that moment. He helped his wife up and settled her back into her wheelchair. Then, he took Josiah’s hand, pleading, Josiah, we, the Thorne family, have wronged you. Whatever you want, you can have. You can control our company and our assets as vou 


4:06 PM 

Chapter 152 Threatening The Parents 

THATY mvnguu juu, mEIDAWTUL yuu main, you can have. iou can vomuvi QUI 

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wish. We only have one daughter, Lysander. If anything happens to her, how are we supposed to live out the rest of our lives?” 

From the ward behind them, there came a heartwrenching roar

I can’t go on living! Let me go! I can’t bear the shame of existing in this world any longer! Let me die!shouted Lysanne


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