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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 168

Chapter 168 His Thoughts 

How long would you have hesitated if I hadn’t spoken up? Haven’t you learned from your past mistakes? It was your constant indecisiveness that led Lysander to marry that rich man, a match that was clearly unsuitable. Lysander herself hasn’t been living well either.” 


All right, fine, I won’t say any more. You can explain it to Maverick and Laura yourself.” 

Zachary was completely flushed, clearly caught off guard by his mother’s blunt approach. He was relieved that Lysander wasn’t present. Otherwise, he would have wished for a crack in the ground to swallow him up

As Zachary’s face turned beetred while he stuttered in obvious discomfort, Laura said, Zach, why don’t you go check the kitchen? We’ve been here for quite a while, yet the food hasn’t arrived.” 

Zachary, feeling as if he had received a royal pardon, immediately stood up and said, I’ll go right now.” 

The three younger ones had departed, leaving only the three elders at the table

mila was sipping her coffee with a cheerful smile, her tone as casual as a breeze on a clear day. This is flat white. It has a rich and fragrant flavor.” 

The expressions on the faces of the couple, Laura and Maverick, were somewhat unnatural. They responded with a few perfunctory remarks, but their hearts were no longer as joyful as when they first arrived

As soon as Michelle left the restaurant, she hailed a taxi

Before she could get into the taxi, Lysander caught up with her. Do you have enough money on you? Both of you aren’t working right now, so your financial situation is tight. You can’t always let Calvin foot the bill.” 

Immediately, Michelle shook her head vehemently. Lysander” 

All right, I got it.” 

Thanks, Lysander!” 

Watching her sister hastily depart in a taxi, Lysander could only shake her head in amusement and helplessness before transferring a thousand to her

Upon turning around, she spotted a familiar face

Zachary? Why are you out here too?

Zachary’s smile carried a hint of awkwardness as he replied, The elders have their own topics to talk about. With a youngster like me around, they won’t be able to speak freely.” 

Lysander gave a nod

Are you feeling better now?” 

Yeah, much better.” 

Are you in a hurry to get back? If not, let me accompany you for a stroll.” 

Chapter 168 His Thoughts 

Lysander understood immediately, teasing him with a laugh, Elderly folks pressuring you to marry can indeed be quite bothersome. Mdm. Camila hasn’t let up on you these past few years, has she?” 

No, she hasn’t” 

Regardless, you’re aware of Michelle’s situation. She’s a young girl experiencing her first love. I’m afraid nothing can pull her back here, so you’ll have to give up on her becoming a daughterinlaw to your family.” 

Zachary awkwardly rubbed his hands. I know. I’m well aware of her situation. That guy is really quite decent. They make a good pair.” 

From what I can see now, they do seem quite compatible. However, I’ll need to look into his family background later. I used to think the concept of a couple being wellmatched in status was oldfashioned, but reflecting on my personal experience, there’s actually some truth to it.” 

Almost instantly, Zachary asked, You also think it’s pretty good when couples are from similar backgrounds. right?” 

Lysander nodded. At least if a couple have similar experiences growing up and share the same values, they might have more common topics to talk about, unlike what happened to me. All I can say is, people from. different social classes shouldn’t force a connection.” 

Zachary cracked a small smile, a hint of embarrassment creeping in as he scratched his head. True, you make a valid point.” 




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