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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 181

Chapter 181 The Advantage Of Youth 

Calvin appeared momentarily taken aback, then he slowly nodded his head, I do have some free time, butwould it be all right if I change my clothes first? I’m all sweaty right now” 

Sure, go ahead, I’ll wait here with Mich,” Lysander responded accommodatingly

Calvin nodded, clutching his clothes tightly as he prepared to dash toward the nearby men’s restroom

Yet, before he could take a step, he paused, realizing that abruptly departing without acknowledging the other person by Lysander’s side might seem impolite

You must be Michelle’s brotherinlaw, right? Hello, it’s nice to meet you. I’ll be back shortly, I won’t keep you waiting long,he said, attempting to be courteous

Michelle quickly interjected with a sharp slap on his arm, What brotherinlaw? Watch your words. This is Zachary.” 

Calvin looked somewhat confused. Not her husband? Didn’t you say your sister got married?” 

What does marriage have to do with it? You’ve really lost your touch for sweet talk; my sister is a successful single woman now!Michelle retorted sharply

Calvin nodded apologetically. I’m sorry” 

With a forgiving smile, Zachary reassured him, It’s all right, just go and change your clothes quickly.” 


With that, Calvin toward the men’s restroom, a group of his friends trailing closely behind him

Calvin, Calvin, how much older is she than your girlfriend?one of the followers quipped

Calvin frowned and dismissed the inquirer. I don’t know, I don’t know, just go away quickly.” 

Don’t get all flustered and upset. I just heard that the beautiful lady is a strong, independent single woman,” 

another teased

Calvin, growing exasperated, retorted, Stop daydreaming. I’ve heard from Michelle that her former brother- inlaw was a successful businessman. If she didn’t even fancy him, what makes you think she would be interested in you?” 

That’s not necessarily true. Big business tycoons might be bald with beer bellies, but look at me. I have a full head of hair and a sixpack. I’m in far better shape than those old cootsone of them boasted as he leaned in to whisper something to Calvin, which immediately resulted in Calvin kicking him

Gross! You’re such a ruffian! Try spouting nonsense again! I’ll twist your head off!he threatened

Zeke, undeterred, persisted, Come on, what if she really does fall for a young pup like me? Wouldn’t it be great if we became brothersinlaw in the future? I assure you, I will definitely look out for you.” 

This time, Calvin showed no mercy and delivered a sharp kick to Zeke’s rear end, sending him sprawling to the ground and eliciting a wave of laughter from the onlookers

Approximately five minutes later, Calvin reappeared, freshly dressed

4.45 PM 

Chapter 181 The Advantage Of Youth 

Lysander inquired, What about your classmates? If they want to go, they can join us.” 

Worried that Zeke’s indiscretions might sabotage his plans, Calvin quickly shook his head, They’re not coming. Let’s just go by ourselves.” 

Lysander glanced back and nodded, choosing not to press further

Soon, the group entered a nearby dessert shop and found a comfortable spot to sit. Knowing her sister was treating, Michelle didn’t hold back and ordered an array of dishes

Calvin, however, was more reserved, merely noting, Michelle has ordered plenty, it’s more than enough.” 

Both Zachary and Lysander opted for just a cup of coffee each

As the dishes arrived, Lysander initiated a casual conversation with Calvin. Calvin, are you planning to go to Apex City for university?” 

Calvin answered with the earnestness of a diligent student, Yes, I’ve been looking into schools. I’m planning to sit for the entrance exam for a basic public university in Apex City.” 


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