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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 193

Chapter 193 Boyfriend Of Lysander 

Chapter 193 Boyfriend Of Lysander 

With an undetectable change in expression, Lysanne gently held onto Josiah’s arm, smiling as she asked, So, you’reDr. Thorne’s boyfriend, aren’t you?” 

Zachary was somewhat nervous as he turned his gaze toward Lysander

Lysander said curtly, Mr. and Mrs. Guerra, please enjoy yourselves. We’ll be taking our leave now,” 

Having said that, she gave Zachary a push

Zachary chuckled and gave a nod to Josiah. Then, with Michelle in his arms, he quickened his pace to catch up with her

Lysander, aren’t you still friends with Mr. Guerra? Wouldn’t it be a bit inappropriate to just leave like this?” 

Lysander simply quickened her pace, heading outside and helping him to open the glass doors of the billiard lounge

Seeing that she didn’t respond, Zachary didn’t press further. Carrying Michelle, he walked out, with Lysander following closely behind as they exited the door without glancing back

It wasn’t until her figure disappeared from sight that Josiah finally shifted his gaze. In a cold voice, he said to Leo. Take care of your sister.” 

Then, he turned, intending to leave

From behind, Leo called out, Josiah, when will you be back? I’ll bring Lysanne home then.” 

Josiah paused. It’s not clear yet. Let her stay at the Thorne residence for now.” 

Josiah!Lysanne grabbed him. Will you give me a call when you get back? I’ll head home on my own

Josiah sidestepped her. I’m going on a business trip this time. The return date depends on how the work 


Lysanne quickly suggested, How about not sending me back to the Thorne residence? Mom is pretty lonely at home by herself. If I’m there, at least I can keep her company and chat with her” 

With Eleanor by her side, she’ll never be alone.” 

But isn’t it nice to have an extra person around? Besides, I was planning to learn a few of your favorite dishes. from Eleanor. When you return, I’ll cook them for you myself.” 

Josiah’s voice was icy. Lysanne, for the sake of my mom’s life, I’d appreciate it if you’d stay away from her.” 

Anxiety washed over Lysanne, her face turning pale. I understand my mistake now. I truly do,” she pleaded. I promise I won’t cause such a fuss in the future. I’ll listen to Mom in all matters. Isn’t that enough?” 

Can you stop bothering her, please? Let her have some peace and quiet for a while. You’re not unaware of how much Grandma’s death affected her!” 

Whenever Elisa’s passing was mentioned, a significant part of Lysanne’s confidence seemed to fade away

Her eyes were rimmed with red, and her lips slightly pouted. Fine, we’re already engaged anyway. You promised my parents, so you can’t back out now.” 

Chapter 193 Boyfriend Of Lysander 

Josian gave her a meangiui oox, then turned and waiken away

When he left, Lysander was already long gone

There was only a white Cayenne parked by the roadside

A gentle rain began to fall from the sky

Zachary was driving, stealing a glance at the two sisters in the back seat through the rearview mirror

Just a moment ago, Michelle was still somewhat conscious, but now she had completely fallen asleep, lightly snoring as she leaned against her sister’s embrace

Lysander attentively wiped the sweat from her forehead, fanning her with her hand

Suddenly, it seemed as if she felt his gaze, looking straight back at him

Zachary, as if scorched, quickly averted his gaze, lightly coughing twice to mask his awkwardness

Lysander asked, Zachary, is it convenient for you to have us? If not, Michelle and I can just stay at a hotel.” 

We’re almost there, just at the upcoming intersection.” Zachary seemed to reassure her, explaining. Don’t worry. You and Michelle will stay here tonight, and I’ll go back to my place.” 

Lysander said, But the house is several kilometers away from your architectural design company. It must be quite inconvenient for you to travel back and forth.” 

Zachary expressed indifference. No worries. It’s just a matter of getting up a bit earlier. Right now, you should focus on explaining to your parents about spending the night out.” 

The mere thought of it gave Lysander a headache


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