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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 46

The Charming Ex-Wife 

Chapter 46 Already Cheating on My Wife 

Josiah glanced at the phone screen. It looked like a map. 

Additionally, this was not his phone. belonged to Lysanne. 

He furrowed his brows. “What is this?” 

“The map with your movements of the day.” 

Josiah was taken aback. “You… You installed a tracker on my phone?” 

“Hmph.” Lysanne glared at him. “Don’t think I’m unaware of how you always go to the Central Hospital. after work. What are you doing there? If you continue like this, Lysander will never get over you. Do you understand?” 

Josiah was slightly irritated. “Lysanne, I try to cooperate with whatever you want, but I also have the right to privacy!” 

“What privacy? We are already a couple. Once your divorce is finalized, we can get married. What need is there for privacy between a married couple? That is unless you desire to be unfaithful.” 

Josiah suddenly chuckled. “I’m already cheating on my wife.” 

Lysanne pouted. “We don’t fall into that category. It’s true love for us. The individual who is not loved in a relationship is the homewrecker. Also, your marriage with her doesn’t even qualify as a genuine marriage. At best, you’re merely cohabiting, the second-best option.” 

Josiah sighed in resignation. “Is this what you’ve gleaned from studying marriage law?” 

Lysanne shrugged. “It’s what we call evaluating each case separately.” 

“Fine. Whatever.” Josiah then asked, “Where is my phone?” 

“I’ll return it to you later.” 

“Where did you place it?” 

“I’ll return it to you later. What’s with the rush?” Lysarme shot him an annoyed look. “I’m warning you, 

are prohibited from having any contact with Lysander in the future. Understood?” 


Josiah’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down before he tiredly said, “You truly don’t need to treat her in this manner. We wronged her, and she recently underwent an abortion…” 

“So what if she had an abortion? Did we hold a knife to her throat and force her to do it? It was her own 


Josiah said, “Still, what if she didn’t proceed with it? If she carried the child to term, and after nine months the child was born, would you accept the child being accepted back into the Guerra family and residing with us?” 

Balance: 1424 +363 

1 Coins 

  1. Pearls 

Chapter 45 Already Cheating on My Wife 

simply by having a child? No such thing would happen in reality.” 

Josiah chuckled. “What would she need to do to satisfy you?” 

Lysanne suddenly looked up at him with wary eyes. What do you mean by that? Are you 

for her abortion?” 

blaming me 

“No, I blame myself.” Josiah’s brow creased with a touch of anguish. “I couldn’t even protect my children. I have wronged them and their mother.” 


Lysanne stuck out her tongue, nonchalant. “It’s merely an abortion. You don’t need to take it so seriously. Furthermore, she was in the early stages of pregnancy. She’s also an obstetrician herself. It was probably as effortless as using the restroom for her. She likely didn’t feel a thing.” 


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