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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 481

Chapter 481 Dawn After Sex 

Oh wow, Jose, you have friends who are into perfume research?asked Tiffany

Mhm,” replied Josiah

Could you introduce me to him next time? I’m quite fond of perfumes, too!” 

Josiah chuckled lightly. Getting curious again?” 

Tiffany chuckled

All right, when the opportunity arises, I’ll ask him if he’s willing to meet you.” 

Is he socially anxious?” 

You can say that.” 

No worries. Weren’t you going to introduce me to your beloved? Invite him along. He might feel more at ease with more people around.” 

Upon hearing those words, Lysander felt a vague sense of unease. His beloved?” 

Tiffany said with a chuckle, Indeed, the person Jose truly cherishes isn’t Lyss, you know.” 

Lysander was bewildered. But you twoAren’t you… 

Oh, it’s all just for show,” Tiffany said. Jose’s last crush was Lyss, a flawless woman. How could he possibly fall for someone like me? We just say that to the public. In reality, Josiah and my dad are just business partners

After hearing it, Lysander only halfunderstood, but the first part of the conversation had left her feeling somewhat uneasy

You’re a very good woman,Lysander said. You’re not inferior to anyone.” 

Tiffany was clearly touched. Lysa, you really know how to comfort people. However, I know I’m definitely not as good as Lyss. You have no idea how many boys chased after her when she was in school! I was still very young then, and so many older boys would rush to buy me lollipops, asking me to deliver love letters. for them!” 

Josiah cleared his throat. Tiffany, there’s no need to bring up the past anymore.” 

Oh, okay.” 

Lysander lifted her gaze, only to find that Josiah was also looking at her through the rearview mirror

Perhaps it was due to his unusually subdued demeanor from the night before that Lysander dared to glare directly at him

Josiah received her disdainful look, yet he laughed

Tiffany replied, Oh right, this is considered a personal matter between you and Lyss. I shouldn’t have brought it up.” 



Chapter 481 Dawn After Sex 

She chastised herself a bit and stuck out her tongue

Lysander comforted. Every woman is wonderful in her own way. As long as you don’t hurt others and live with a clear conscience, there’s no need to feel inferior. The flawless womanin otherseyes might just be 

She paused for a moment, refraining from using excessively harsh words in front of Tiffany. Perhaps. such a woman is just an ordinary person.” 

Tiffany was somewhat confused, blinking

Lysander continued, You’re actually really adorable and kindhearted. You worry about me when I’m sick and in discomfort, and you also worry about Josiah fainting. Also, you know how to draw, and when you saw that I hadn’t come down, you took the initiative to serve me chicken broth. You’re always considering others, and that’s your strength. You’re a very wonderful woman, so you should be confident and believe that you deserve all the beauty this world has to offer.” 

The corners of Tiffany’s eyes had turned slightly red. Lysa” 

Seeing Tiffany’s undeniable adorableness, Lysander reached out to adjust the bow in the former’s hair. So, stop comparing yourself to others, okay?” 

My academic performance is really poor, though. I couldn’t get into a good high school in our country, which was why my dad sent me abroad.” 

But you’re quite skilled at drawing. Everyone has their own strengths.” 

Lysa, you’ve never seen me draw before. How do you know that I’m good at it?” 

I guessed it.” 

Lysa, you’re just trying to comfort me.” 

Though I don’t quite understand art, I’ve heard that those who are into it are incredibly pure of heart. They remain untainted by the mundanity of the world, just 

like you” 

With a soft cry, Tiffany threw herself into Lysander’s embrace. Lysa, you’re so kind.” 

Lysander gently embraced Tiffany, feeling a significant warmth spreading in her heart

At the corner of her eye, she noticed Josiah watching them through the rearview mirror, smiling

Lysa, you remind me of my mother,” remarked Tiffany

Lysander was slightly taken aback. Huh?” 

No, no, that’s not what I meant. I mean, you radiate a special kind of maternal warmth, like a gentle, comforting glow.” 

Maybe it’s because I’ve been in the obstetrics and gynecology department for too long.” 




Chapter 481 Dawn After Sex 

Your child must be especially happy.” 

Lysander was taken aback

The smile on Josiah also froze

Lysander gently pushed Tiffany away and resettled herself. II might not be a good mother.” 

Tiffany insisted. Why would you say that? You definitely are.” 

I’m selfish.Lysander confessed. I gave her up because I didn’t want to invite trouble into my later years.” 

Tiffany was once again puzzled. Lysa, do you have a child? I’ve never heard about it before.” 

Lysander shook her head, No.” 

But you said- 

Lysander took a deep breath. It’s all in the past now. Let’s not bring it up again.” 

Tiffany nodded, halfunderstanding. Oh, all right.” 


The shrill sound of a horn suddenly blared

Josiah apologized, somewhat flustered, I’m sorry, I accidentally pressed it.” 

Seeing that the other two seemed to be in a rather foul mood, Tiffany decided not to continue on that topic. She obediently settled down, keeping quiet

After a considerable amount of time, perhaps sensing the atmosphere was getting awkward, Tiffany cautiously broached a new topic. By the way, Jose, the perfume your friend gave you has a truly unique scent. I must tell Amy about it the next time I see her.” 


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