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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 482

Chapter 482 Thinking Of Strategies 

The summit took place at a conference center

Josiah drove the car into the parking lot, where staff members were already waiting to greet him

member’s demeanor became 

Josiah handed the staff member the invitation. After a glance at it, the staff even more respectful. Mr. Guerra, your seat is in Zone A. Please follow me.” 

Just a moment.Josiah disembarked from the car, striding over to open the back door. He held his hand against the top of the car. Get out.” 

Like a little lark. Tiffany leaped down and then waved to Lysander. Lysa, come down quickly.” 

Lysander moved to the side of the car, and when she exited, she bent her body as low as possible to avoid any physical contact with Josiah

In the end, she had overestimated her ability to wear high heels

Already dealing with aching legs, the moment her foot touched the ground, the pain surged back immediately

Josiah reached out, gently grasping her forearm in support. Are you all right?” 

Tiffany was already looking around curiously, completely oblivious to his actions

The staff members, however, stood respectfully off to the side, watching Josiah and Lysander with at beaming smile

Lysander managed to free herself from his grasp, wincing as she quickly got out of the car. Thank you, Mr. Guerra. I’m sorry for causing you trouble.” 

Josiah glanced at the staff members, subtly acknowledging with a soft, Mhm. Taking care of a lady is only right. Tiffany-” 

Tiffany replied, Yes, Jose?” 

Let’s go, we’re heading in.” 

All right!” 

The staff member doublechecked, Mr. Guerra, you have two associates with you, correct? I’ll have the control center arrange the seatings for your group.” 


All right.The staff member held a walkietalkie, briefly communicated with the control center, and then led them inside the venue, saying, Please follow me.” 

While Josiah was engaged in a conversation with the staff, Lysander took the opportunity to survey the 


The entrance was not far off, already teeming with a sea of people. Quite a few security guards and staff members were there, dirécting the crowd in an orderly fashion



Chapter 482 Thinking Of Strategies 

However, the direction pointed out by the stall member was actually the opposite side

When Josiah noticed Lysander wasn’t moving, he turned around and asked, Why aren’t you moving?Lysander pointed to the side. Isn’t the entrance over there?” 

The staff member chuckled as they explained, That area over there is Zone B, where most of the participating companies and industry rookies enter from. Mr. Guerra’s seat, however, is in Zone A, the entrance to which is on the other side.” 

Lysander also had an invitation of her own

The day Carol sent her the package via express delivery, she had carefully examined it right then and 


Her invitation stated her seat was in Zone B. 

Are you Mr. Guerra’s secretary, miss? There’s no need to worry. Mr. Guerra has been our esteemed guest annually. The host always arranges for Mr. Guerra to be seated in Zone A. In the past few years, Mr. Guerra was unable to attend, but his seat was always reserved for him,explained the staff member

Josiah stood beside Lysander, his back toward the staff, shielding her from their view. In a voice only the two of them could hear, he asked, What’s wrong?” 

Lysander took a step back, creating some distance between them. Don’t stand so close.” 

Josiah lost his patience. “So, now you’ve forgotten your promises after what happened?” 

Lysander, irritated, looked up at him. Can’t you think like a normal person for once?” 

Halfway through, you asked me to boil water for you. In the context of a football game, this would be called a halftime break. Right now, all I can think about is the strategy for the second half.” 

Lysander scoffed, What a load of crap strategy. There’s no second half.” 

Josiah crossed his arms, looking at her condescendingly. Are you really treating me like a gigolo? Do you think you can just enjoy my services and then leave without a second thought?” 

Didn’t you tell me to treat you like just a tool?” 

Josiah clicked his tongue. It’s not impossible.” 

You should hurry inside.” 

Aren’t you going in?” 

I’m heading to Zone B.” 

Lysander pulled out an invitation from her bag and showed it to the staff member. I’m not Mr. Guerra’s secretary. I just hitched a ride with him. Zone B is over there, right? I can go there by myself.” 

She turned to Josiah and said, Thanks for giving me a lift today, Mr. Guerra. I’ll be on my way now. I don’t want to 

Intrude any further.” 

Then, she quickly left


Chapter 482 Thinking Of Strategies 


Instinctively, Josiah wanted to reach out to her. However, it was clear that Lysander didn’t want any overt connection with him at the moment. After hesitating for a moment, he eventually lowered his hand

Tiffany asked, Jose, why did Lysa leave alone? Isn’t she coming with us?” 

Josiah chuckled. Let her be. Some things can’t be forced too much.” 


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