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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 514

The Charming ExWife 

Chapter 514 Strike Where It Hurts Most 

Aiden, seated in the middle, had just nervously taken a sip of coffee when he nearly choked and coughed Adrian, however, nodded calmly. Does Lysander know about that?” 

Josiah maintained his composure, his eyes narrowed condescendingly. For now, I’m the only one trying to salvage this relationship. She knows what I want.” 

Which means she hasn’t agreed to getting back together with you, right?asked Adrian

Josiah took a sip of his coffee and said quietly, Yes, for now.” 

Adrian scoffed. That’s what you wanted to tell me? You and I both understand Lysander’s personality well. She’s an assertive person, not someone you can get back together with just because you want to.” 

You don’t have to worry about that, Dr. Sutton. Whether or not Lysander and I get back together is none of your business.” 

But as long as you two aren’t back together, Lysander is technically single, I may not pursue her, but we’re still friends, not to mention colleagues who work well with each other-” 

She and I used to have a child.” 

A brief silence ensued.. 

Josiah continued, We share the pain of losing that child, and that’s something we have in common.” 

So what? Lysander will only resent you for that.” 

Josiah smirked. Even hatred is better than having no feelings at all, Dr. Sutton. At least she harbors some resentment toward me, but as for you, no matter how much effort you put in, you’ll only ever be a colleague to her.” 

Aiden didn’t even dare to breathe, anxiously taking another sip of coffee and observing both their reactions without knowing what the coffee tasted like

Josiah, taking control of the situation, remained calm and composed

She bore no resentment toward me, so she’s not particularly averse to me. If she ever needs someone to spend her life with in the future, I’m a viable option. After all, her previous marriage to you wasn’t out of love, so we’re all starting from scratch when it comes to developing feelings. Who’s to say I don’t stand at chance?” 

You don’t.Josiah chuckled and corrected him confidently. Because I’m here.” 

Adrian, momentarily stunned, hadn’t expected him to show such confidence. Mr. Guerra, I need to remind you once again that if you’re thinking of getting back together with Lysander, using the term reconciliationmight not be appropriate.” 

It’s not your place to define what’s going on between us.” 

Balance: 172 +0 

1 Coins = 1 Pearls 

Chapter 514 Strike Where It Hurts Most 

The expression on Josiah’s face turned icy and grim for a moment, startling Aiden. Aiden’s face turned pale, and he wanted to say something but couldn’t come up with an appropriate topic

MamaMamaRight then, Aurora began speaking

Aiden, relieved to finally get a break from all that tension, exclaimed, The baby just talked! Is she feeling uncomfortable? Josiah, why don’t you check on the child?” 

Josiah teased the baby with his hand, making her burst into laughter and grip his fingers, playing with them like a toy

Seeing that, Aiden quickly fetched a toy. Here you go. Why don’t we play with this little ducky?” 

Josiah said, It’s okay, it doesn’t hurt. She’s too smart to be interested in ordinary toys.” 

He rested his hand on the edge of the stroller, allowing Aurora to grab at it

Adrian spoke. The pain of losing that child will be with her forever. She’ll never forgive you.” 

After a moment of silence, Josiah said slowly, I never hoped for that. My only desire now is to maintain the status quo with Lysander. That’s what I told her myself, and she didn’t object.” 

This is bad I don’t think Adrian’s happy to hear that

Adrian, appearing calm and collected, retorted defiantly, If the status quo you’re referring to involves you supporting Lysander in establishing a firm foothold in the business world, then I can understand why she 

didn’t immediately object.” 

Thank you for your understanding, Josiah said politely, his tone dripping with irony as he added, I heard that you tried helping, too, but it didn’t quite work out, right?” 

There are no rules in the battle between love rivals. One can just strike where it hurts the most

Adrian had grown accustomed to Lysander rejecting him and only spaced out for a few seconds. I suppose it’s because I still plan on being a doctor in the future.” 

This was once Lysander’s dream

He might not be her lover, but he was the indispensable anesthesiologist in the operating room, her 


To him, that was his advantage against Josiah

Adrian, reluctant to give up, said, The thought of Lysander never returning to the operating room fills met with genuine regret. Mr. Guerra, do you know what Lysander’s wish is?” 

Josiah naturally knew, for Lysander had told him countless times throughout their three years of marriage

Her lifelong dream was to become an exceptional doctor, with a specific aspiration to be an outstanding gynecologist. She aimed to keep every expecting mother safe and ensure that each baby arrived in this world healthy and sound

Lysander had told him that society had significantly improved compared to the past, yet there were still 


128 +0 

1 Coins 

1 Pearls 

Chapter 514 Strike Where It Hurts Most 

She had also mentioned once that, given the opportunity, she wished to visit these places and do everything she could to save as many lives as possible

Lysander wants, si 


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