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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 515

The Charming ExWife 

Chapter 515 Repay The Money Lysander Owed You 

Once again, the atmosphere grew tense

Aiden quickly turned to his brother instead, winking at the latter. Adrian, you have other plans today, right

Josiah saw through Aiden’s hint and said, You don’t have to chase him away. If he leaves too soon, I’d seem like a poor host.” 

Aiden found himself in a predicament, for he couldn’t afford to offend either one of them. Backing away in fear to make himself less conspicuous, he turned to look at Adrian, hoping he would come up with a solution to break the deadlock 

Josiah, behaving like a gracious host, suggested, Looks like you’re not in a good mood. How about the two of you stay here for a few days? It’s my treat. The scenery here’s a sight for sore eyes and will help you 


Considering that Lysander was here, too, Adrian nodded. I appreciate it. Mr. Guerra.” 

Aiden instantly broke out in a cold sweat, looking at his brother in bewilderment as if to ask whether he had lost his mind

Adrian remained unperturbed, showing his concern calmly upon noticing his younger brother’s expression. What’s wrong?” 

Oh, nothingI just feel dizzy,answered Aiden

Adrian stood up. Why do you feel dizzy?” 

Maybe the air’s too thin up here in the mountains. I’ll be fine after some rest.” 

Adrian, worried about his brother, asked, Are you really okay?” 

Yeah, I’m okay.Aiden responded in despair, wishing someone would call him at that moment to rescue him from this awkward situation

The heavens probably heard his prayers, for his phone vibrated with a text message. Relieved and thinking that a text message was better than nothing at all, he opened it and widened his eyes in surprise

What’s going on here

Aiden lifted his head and asked Josiah in surprise, Josiah, why did you suddenly transfer money to me? One, ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand, hundred thousandAlso, what’s with the extra change?” 

Josiah explained calmly. This money isn’t for you. It’s for Dr. Sutton. I don’t have his bank account details, so you’ll have to transfer it to him. As for the extra change, it’s the interest I’m paying based on the current market rate.” 

Aiden turned to look at his brother, hoping the latter could explain. Did you lend Josiah money?” 

This is the money I gave Lysander, answered Adrian

Josiah didn’t bother to elaborate and simply said, I’m paying it back for her.” 


Chapter 515 Repay The Money Lysander Owed You 

No need. This is between Lysander and me. You shouldn’t get involved.Adrian spoke coldly

Josiah nodded. “I owe her, and she owes you. Debts should be repaid, so why don’t I pay you directly and simplify the process?” 

Adrian refused to accept this. Does Lysander know that you’re making decisions on her behalf?” 

Aurora got bored with playing with Josiah’s hand and cooed, spreading her arms and wanting to be held

Josiah cradled the baby in his arms and made sure she was comfortable before saying, Why don’t you ask her yourself and see if she’d rather owe you or me?” 

After wandering around with Lysander for a while, Daphne finally found the perfect spot to rest

The view was pleasant as the two of them settled down on a wooden bench beneath a tree. Glancing upward, they would see leaves shimmering in the sunlight, swaying gently in the breeze. Anyone who beheld such a tranquil scene would feel completely at peace

Leaning back against the bench, Daphne asked with a puzzled expression, Lysander, did Josiah really invite Nieva here to help me?” 

What happened in the morning was rather straightforward. Lysander quickly explained the agreement Nieva reached with Josiah, as well as the reason for her sudden departure to a hiking trip

Lysander commented objectively, Bottom line is, you’ve really misjudged him this time. Having him directly negotiate with Ms. Lionhart would significantly increase the chances of success. You should wait a few more days until she returns from her hiking trip.” 

Daphne listened with a face full of shock, her lips twitching as she said, Would Josiah really be this kind- hearted? He didn’t hold back at all when he was undermining me before!” 

Lysander spoke helplessly, choosing her words carefully. What he said at Tiffany’s birthday party wa indeed quite unpleasant, but he shared with me some information about the situation at Mr. Spearsend. The chances of Everhart Corporation successfully securing financing from her are really not that high, and the risk is also substantial.” 

Daphne sighed heavily. I knew the chances were slim, but if he hadn’t interfered, there could still be some hope. He extinguished the last spark of hope I ever had.” 

Lysander rarely saw her friend so dejected, so she held her hand and assured, Ms. Lionhart’s a kind person. I’m sure she’ll consider Josiah’s proposal once she’s back. You should go back first and get Everhart Corporation’s documents ready. It’s always right to be fully prepared.” 

All right then.Daphne said before suddenly remembering something. Why is he so helpful this time? He didn’t ask you for anything, did he? Like some sort of exchange or conditions? You mentioned over the phone there wasn’t, but I can’t help but feel that something is different. If something is going on, you can’t hide it from me.” 

This time, Josiah’s attitude and actions were flawless in every way. Daphne couldn’t find a single fault with it even when she nitpicked, so she assumed Lysander had once again compromised on something for her sake

Daphne quickly sat up. I’m grateful to him, but that doesn’t mean I’m fine with you marrying him again for my sake. You must not be swayed by his tricks!” 

Chapter 515 Repay The Money Lysander Owed You 

As the sun gradually rose into the sky, its rays became increasingly gentle and warm. In response, the chirping of the birds in the trees grew noticeably more cheerful

Lysander reassured her friend, Don’t worry. I know what I’m doing 

Daphine was still worried. Are you sure?” 


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