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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 640

The Charming ExWife 

Chapter 640 The Overwhelming Affection

Many locals from the nearby area were standing outside the door

The nurse looked a bit bewildered. What is going on here?” 



Outside, leading the group was indeed the motherinlaw of the woman who had just given birth. Upon seeing Lysander and the nurses who had taken care of her daughterinlaw the previous day, she hastily handed over the stack of oldfashioned tin lunch boxes she was carrying

Dr. Thorne, I just made a special trip home to cook some dishes. I know you all were busy from dawn to dusk yesterday and probably didn’t have time for dinner. Now, you’ll have to make do with combining two meals into one. The chief and the secretary of our village have also come along, having heard that saved the life of my family member.” 


As she spoke, she subtly stepped aside, providing an opportunity for the other villagers to voice their thoughts

The village chief and secretary were both elderly, but in front of Lysander and the nurses, they didn’t put on any airs of superiority. They praised them so much that it almost made them feel embarrassed

I heard that a few young ladies have come to the health center to provide support. I didn’t expect you all to be not only beautiful but also exceptionally skilled in medicine. By the way, if you guys have some free time, you should come visit our village more often. It’s surrounded by pristine mountains and clear waters. The scenery is quite splendid. We also have some local specialtiesThe village chief, Blaine Alvarez, said as he handed over the cured meat he was holding. This is from a pig we raised and butchered ourselves. The meat is especially fragrant when used in stirfries. Give it a try.” 

The nurse who opened the door was quick to wave her hands in refusal. We can’t accept this. The hospital director doesn’t allow us to accept things casually.” 

The nurse standing by the table stepped forward to explain, We have professional standards to uphold. We absolutely cannot accept personal gifts from patients. That would be considered bribery.” 

Lysander moved a bit slower than the rest, ending up at the back of the crowd. However, she could still clearly see the faces of those villagers

Everyone was no longer young, at least belonging to the generation of the baby’s mother and grandmother. Yet, when facing these few young individuals, they showed an exceptional level of respect. This made Lysander feel touched but also somewhat undeserving

Lysander and the others had simply done their best to fulfill their responsibilities. Little did they anticipate that it would become so significant to the villagers there

Blaine was highly respected in the village. Upon noticing the nurseshesitation, he quickly clarified, This isn’t anything valuable. It’s just agricultural products. It wouldn’t even fetch much at the market.” 

The villagers echoed in agreement

That’s right! It’s just a few eggs, scrambled up and served as a meal. All the food can be finished in one sitting.” 

This is just some produce from my own garden. I simply pulled out a few pieces when I was leaving


helming Affection 


The nurses exchanged glances, seeming somewhat troubled as they said, We appreciate everyone’s kindness, but we really can’t accept these gifts. Please, everyone should go home now,” 

Blaine and the secretary, Alan, looked disheartened when they heard that

The motherinlaw of the new mother, clutching the tin lunch boxes, was at a complete loss, on the verge of tears. She was torn between not wanting to take the untouched food back home and fearing that her presence might disturb their work

In the crowd, there were even whispers of blame toward the elderly companions. I told you before that the medical staff who came to assist us are all from the city, and they’re not used to eating the food here. At the very least, you should have washed off the dirt on the vegetables before serving them. But you insisted that it’s fresher this way 

The volume of the conversation was kept extremely low, so low that unless Lysander had exceptionally good hearing, she might not have been able to discern it from the chatter between the nurses and Blaine. It was clear that both parties were about to get entangled over each other’s good intentions. Those young nurses turned their attention toward Lysander

After all, among the few who went there to support the local healthcare system, only Lysander was an actual doctor. The rest were merely nurses

After some consideration, Lysander said, All right, we’ll accept this time, but let’s make one thing clear. Everyone can only give once, and after this, we won’t be accepting anything, regardless of what it is.” 

The nurses were fretting over how to resolve the matter at hand. Upon hearing that Lysander had stepped in with a solution, they collectively breathed a sigh of relief

The villagers, fearful that Lysander might change her mind, quickly voiced their agreement, All right! All right! We won’t bring any next time. Please, accept these for now!” 

Everyone hastily handed over the items they had brought to the nurses. In no time, a few people were holding so much that they could barely keep a grip on it all

Lysander managed to squeeze her way to the door, carefully accepting the fragile eggs and cured meat that 

couldn’t be placed on the ground. Once the villagers had finished delivering their gifts, they left with smiles on their faces

The motherinlaw of the new mother had specially waited until the end with Blaine. She personally handed the lunch box to Lysander, advising her, I made chicken soup for my daughterinlaw, and I’ve also prepared you a bowl. Drink it while it’s hot.” 

Only then did the baby’s grandmother return home to bring food for her son and daughterinlaw

Before offering their suppo 

in the countryside, the nurses had never witnessed such an enthusiastic scene. They were utterly overwhelmed by the villagersheartfelt appreciation, handling their gestures of gratitude with utmost care, even the act of setting them on the table was done gently

After setting down the items in her hand, Lysander immediately stepped forward to lend the nurses


An array of agricultural products filled the table to the brim, leaving no room to spare. Even after moving chairs over to accommodate, it was still a tight fit to display everything



Chapter 640 The Overwhelming Affection 


A nurse expressed her confusion, saying, This is just too much. The four of us can’t possibly finish it all. But wouldn’t it be even worse to waste it?” 

Lysander proposed an idea, suggesting, Let’s take it to the health center. The director always boasts about his cooking skills, doesn’t he? Let him prepare a meal so that we can all enjoy it together.” 

As she spoke, she turned to leave the dorm. However, as soon as she stepped out, she unexpectedly came face to face with Blaine 

Blaine greeted her politely, Hi, Dr. Thorne.” 

Lysander nodded. Mr. Alvarez, what can I do for you?” 

On behalf of everyone, I’d like to ask, how long do you think you’ll be able to stay here? After you leave, will there be other doctors willing to come here?” 

Blaine’s hair and beard were completely white, yet he was still quite robust. He was exceptionally polite when he spoke

Lysander couldn’t bear to see the elderly being so cautious. She quickly reassured, Don’t worry, here in response to the call as well. Once we leave, others will surely come.” 


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