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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 646

The Charming ExWife 

Chapter 646 Yearn Deeply 



Immediately, Lysander understood Josiah’s feelings that morning when he was surrounded by the children, all asking him questions left and right. Unfortunately, she couldn’t divert the topic with chocolates. All she could do was vaguely reply, It’s a long story. LLet’s eat first.” 

The nurses usually had a good relationship with her. Seeing her reaction, they assumed she was feeling shy and decided not to press her further

After lunch, everyone went back to their own tasks. Blaine, eyeing the humble dining table and the courtyard filled with sand and gravel, expressed his regret. He sighed and said, I wish I had known earlier that you were coming, Mr. Guerra. Our preparations were rushed, and we couldn’t provide anything decent.” 

When Lysander saw that he was still blaming himself for the inadequate hospitality, she couldn’t bear to see him continue to dwell on the matter. So, she compassionately proposed a solution

Actually, you don’t really need to go out of your way to entertain him. As you said, he’s from the city and financially welloff, so he likely doesn’t lack food or clothing. However, no matter how good the city is, there are things he can’t experience there. Don’t you know that many city folks love to spend money on farmhouses to experience life differently?she said

It does seem so,” Blaine agreed. He had always admired Lysander for being a doctor at a major hospital, knowledgeable and capable. Her words always carried weight, and he found himself even more easily persuaded by hearing her speak then

Josiah listened to the conversation that involved him, yet he didn’t interrupt. He simply watched Lysander chatting with Blaine, a smile gracing his face

The afternoon sun was warm and comforting. Just sitting in the yard, soaking up the sun, was enough to lift one’s spirits, let alone when he was with the person he cherished

Lysander continued to progressively provide Blaine with ideas

Someone like him has surely never experienced the taste of wild vegetables. If you truly wish to entertain him, prepare your usual dishes. Dishes like crispbread and wild vegetable salad are definitely dishes he has never tried before.” 

Blaine listened, nodding enthusiastically, and rose from his seat in delight, saying, Absolutely! Sure! We might not have much else here, but we’re certainly not short on wild vegetables!” 

Before Blaine left, he made sure to say to Josiah, Mr. Guerra, rest assured, if you’re interested in trying something new, I’ll get the village kids to start foraging for wild vegetables. I guarantee we’ll gather every variety available around here.” 

Indeed, Josiah had never eaten wild vegetables before. Upon hearing this, he sincerely expressed his gratitude, saying, You don’t need to prepare too much. I won’t be able to eat a lot.” 

We must! Targan!” 

Blaine had gone out to rally the children to forage for wild vegetables

Once Blaine was out of sight, Josiah quietly asked Lysander, The chicken at Mr. Alvarez’s house should be safe now, right?’ 

08:52 Sat, 29 Jun 

Chapter 646 Yearn Deeply 



Lysander nodded. The chicken is fine.now, but I’m afraid the nearby wild vegetables might be stripped bare.” 

The village was nearly devoid of entertainment facilities. Children were either home watching television or out and about, running wild across the fields. Blaine’s decision to assign them the task of foraging for wild vegetables was indeed fitting

Throughout the entire afternoon, no new patients had visited the health center. Apart from the mother and her newborn residing there, the only others present were a few villagers who hadn’t yet completed their prescribed treatment regimen

Lysander didn’t slack off just because there were fewer patients. She still dutifully checked on each and every one of them

Everyone had already heard about the arrival of a generous donor in the village. After discussing the medical conditions, most inquiries were about Josiah’s situation. The new mother and her husband assumed Lysander was married, and when Lysander was making rounds, they shared many good wishes for Lysander and Josiah

Dr. Thorne, your husband has gone to great lengths to find you here. You two must share a very special bond, right? You both look quite young. You guys are newlyweds, right?” 

Lysander gave a dry smile, wanting to deny but not knowing what to say

They were not only not newlyweds, but they were also divorced

With a smile, Josiah said, We’re not newlyweds anymore. It’s been almost four years.” 

Oh! Do you guys have any kids yet?” 

Josiah’s smile faltered momentarily, but he still managed to keep a faint smile. NNot yet.” 

The villagers then began to chatter amongst themselves

Dr. Thorne is completely devoted to her patients. She surely doesn’t have time for children.” 

The television mentioned that city dwellers are now all prioritizing couple time, with many not wanting to have children.” 

Dr. Thorne, do you also want a childless marriage?” 

Lysander subtly shook her head. No. That’s not itII really like children.” 

Oh! Doesn’t Mr. Guerra not want children?” 

I want children,Josiah immediately responded. I really do.” 

The villagers were stunned

Josiah casually mediated the situation by saying, We’ve both been busy these past few years.” 

Oh… I knew it. Both of you adore children and your relationship is so strong. I was wondering why, even after four years of marriage, you don’t have kids yet.” 

Exactly! However, while work is important, if you’re thinking of having children, it’s best to start early


08:52 Sat, 29 Jun Kis 

Chapter 646 Yearn Deeply 

Being younger makes childbirth less of an ordeal.” 



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