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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 644

The Charming ExWife 

Chapter 644 Experience Your Life



When he spoke those words, he didn’t feel the slightest bit tired or strained. His gaze never wavered from Lysander’s face, carrying with it an affection he himself hadn’t even noticed

When Lysander recalled the bumpy ride and the turns they had taken, she said in surprise. This is a mountainous area. We had to cross several mountains to get here, not to mention the other villages


Josiah gave a proud smile and said, I could ask around, couldn’t I? Dr. Ziegler informed me that the medical conditions in the areas requiring assistance were quite poor. So, whenever I arrived at a village, I would ask the villagers if there was a hospital around. They told me there was only a health center in this area, and that’s how I found out you were here.” 

He drove his SUV over mountains and across rugged terrain in his search. Simultaneously, he went from village to village, inquiring about the location of the local health center. Only then did he gradually manage to find Lysander

Lysander was left speechless, taking a moment before she finally asked, So, how long have you been searching?” 

Josiah did a quick calculation in his mind and said, I set off after work three days ago.” 

No wonder he had food prepared in the car. As it turned out, he had been living in it for three days

Josiah was worried that Lysander might dislike him, so he took the initiative to explain. I brought enough clothes to change into every day. When I passed a village with an available hostel yesterday, I even took


Lysander let out a sigh. That’s not what I meant. I just feel there was no real need for you to come here. Being a medical support here has its time limits, I won’t be staying here forever. After some time, I’ll 

return on my own

Josiah nodded. I remember you always mentioned wanting to provide medical support in remote areas. I heard there was a shortage of medicine here, so I asked Lynn for a list of commonly used drugs and bought some from the pharmacy to bring along. It’s not like I came specifically to see you but rather to contribute to our country’s medical cause.” 

Are you sure that’s all there is?Lysander asked, unable to decide whether to laugh or cry. Those medicines have practically filled our health center to the brim. However, I must say that it’s thoughtful of you to ask Lynn for a prescription. Many of these are prescriptiononly drugs. You wouldn’t be able to buy them without one.” 

It had been a long time since Josiah had heard praise from her, so upon hearing it, he found himself genuinely smiling

I hopped from one store to another to buy these. If one ran out of supplies, I’d just move on to the next. There were plenty of pharmacies along the way, after all. I hope these items can be of help to the people here.” 

After Josiah finished speaking, Lysander calmly responded, In that case, allow me to thank you in advance on behalf of those who will benefit from these medicines in the future.” 

Actually, both of us are contributing to society, so there’s no need for all this courtesy.” 


Chapter 644 Experience Your Life

You’ve changed a lot.” 


In the past, Josiah would never have been so meticulous, let alone trek over mountains and valleys to spend three days in a carriage for her sake

Josiah responded in a low voice, Actually, you’ve changed a bit, too.” 

way she 

He felt a sense of tranquility from Lysander that he hadn’t experienced before, especially in the treated him. Previously, it seemed as if she was ignoring him, but at that moment, her attitude toward him was more like that of a friend

Lysander casually asked. Have I?” 

Josiah knew that her change was related to Maverick’s demise, but he didn’t voice his speculations. He simply nodded

However, Lysander seemed to have guessed his thoughts. Looking toward the courtyard outside the dorm. she said. Perhaps it’s because life here truly brings peace to one’s mind. I plan on staying here for a while longer. You still have a ton of matters to deal with at the company. Once we’re done talking, you should head back as soon as possible

Without a second thought, Josiah said, Don’t rush to kick me out. It took me three days to find this place. At least let me rest a bit.” 

Driving for such a long stretch was certainly tiring, and it was indeed dangerous to head back after only a brief rest

Lysander paused for a moment and tried a different approach to persuade him, saying. You’re used to a life of luxury. You’ve never even seen an immersion heater. You wouldn’t be able to handle life here. Taking a bath here is quite a hassle, and there’s no restroom. If you need to use the toilet, you’ll have to go to the pit toilet out back.” 

She spoke with logic and facts, detailing all the potential inconveniences he might encounter from his decision to stay. She laid out all the possible difficulties he could face in daily life, hoping he would back 


After listening with a calm demeanor, Josiah let out a sigh and said, It couldn’t be worse than the nearly three days I spent in the car. I couldn’t even stretch my legs in the back seat. I had to sleep halfsitting.” 

It did indeed sound a bit miserable

Nevertheless, Lysander cautioned, The hardships of living here are different from the troubles you’ve encountered on the road.” 

It’s all right. Consider it as a chance given by fate for me to fully experience your life.” 

Lysander remained silent

Ordinary couples go through the stages of meeting, knowing, and loving each other. But we skipped all that, jumping straight into an arranged marriage through a blind date. The outcome, I fear, might be tied to our lack of understanding about each other’s lifestyles and aspirations. This time, I hope to make a change

Josiah spoke with utmost seriousness, his expression indicating a firm resolve. It seemed he truly had no intention of changing his mind


08:43 Fri, 28 Jun 


Chapter 644 Experience Your Life 


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