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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 103


I spent thirty minutes more in Stephanie's room until she fell asleep. Then I asked a maid to remove the green drink from the room and returned to mine.

I was surprised that Sylvester hadn't returned, and I wondered what was keeping him. I decided to link him.

"How is it going?" I asked him.

"I am on my way," he replied, and I did not like the answer.

If it were something good, he would have said 'great' or 'we caught them' or ' he was cooperative', but his response implied he wanted to discuss something serious with me.

Had he learned about Jenny's computer too?

I sat up in bed and waited.

Sylvester walked in ten minutes later.

He did not say anything. Instead, he went to the bathroom, showered and slipped into something comfortable before coming to bed. I sat up, waiting for him.

He leaned close and kissed me passionately, then rested his forehead against mine and sighed. Breaking away, he buried his nose in my neck and held me to his body.

"Tamia," he breathed, and I knew he was troubled.

I touched his head and ran my fingers through his hair to calm him down. He must have learned something horrible. We honestly deserved a break.

"Tell me," I said, and he squeezed me tightly.

"He talked. Liam spilt everything, and it isn't good," he said and broke away so we could keep eye contact.

"I wasn't going to tell you any of it so you won't get upset, but I can't keep secrets from you, Tamia, you are my better half, and I do not want to lose your trust. So I will go against my better judgement and tell you. Please do not get upset," he said, and I smiled at him.

"As long as it does not involve you being with another woman, I can deal," I said, giggling, and he smiled at me.

"Far from it," he said, and I already knew it.

He told me everything Liam had split, and I was in shock. I tried to hide it, but I couldn't. I saw the implications of what they were doing. I was mad. Getting a Sidorov and an Orlov involved meant big trouble for Marcel and Theodore.

"I am trying to seek Devin's help. So far, they have been unable to get into his territory," He said, and I wondered if Devin would want to help him out. Knowing how much Devin hated Sylvester and his family.

"He is very tight with his alphas and ruthless too. Leo is lenient, so I can understand them corrupting some of his people.

Devin's family has led the south for many years. Power shifted to Leo recently; before then, Ramsey's family was in charge," I said, and he looked at me wide-eyed. It seemed like a light bulb had turned on in his head. It was cute.

"Why didn't I see it from that angle?" He said, asking himself and not me.

"Of course, Ramsey has a reason to work against Leo. Now I see everything," he said, and I did not know what to think.

Sylvester looked like he was reasoning alone.

"Getting his daughter into your home." He said, counting, using his fingers, and I was trying to make sense of his words.

"I am sure he must have been trying other things before then, Tamia. Fate only worked in his favour where Amanda was concerned. I am sure he did not expect to be lucky. His daughter's fated was the man that took his family's pride from him," He said and looked at me.

"But there was a problem. You were a problem. The reason Leo refused to accept and honour the bond. The obstacle preventing him from getting close enough to do damage. You were a problem, his problem," He said, and I was beginning to see his point. I waited patiently to see where he would land.

"He knew the bond would wither since Leo decided to shun Amanda. The shunning was a subtle rejection but a rejection nonetheless, and that is why Leo is still unable to bond with Amanda properly.

The goddess does not force us to be together; our heart decides to accept or reject the bond.

Leo had rejected her in a subtle manner. That was why Ramsey lied and forced his daughter into your home. Our wolves are primal hence why we have to control them," He said and got up and began to pace.

"Leo told me his wolf betrayed him by taking over, leading him to Amanda's room and claiming her. Just like Knight let go of Susan and obeyed my choice, his wolf would have let go eventually, and Ramsey knew.

He had nothing to gain in enforcing the union unless he wanted to watch Leo and counter his moves.

He must have used his daughter as a spy to help him cause things that would make people doubt Leo's leadership and destabilise him.

His daughter might have been willingly or unwillingly helping him by feeding him information," he said.

It hit me that throughout the time Amanda was with us, while I was there, she visited her father too frequently. I often thought she went to report us or tried to force her father to act in her favour, but I was wrong. She was feeding him information.

The past played vividly in my mind.

Ramsey was quiet when Leo took over, and there was peace.

We all knew he was scorned by it, but he had no avenue of which to act on his emotions until fate happened.

The way he championed the union was off. He did not mind his daughter being a mistress. He said he wanted her to stay with us, and we could figure it out from there.

I felt his words were a bit off, but I did not pay any attention.

How many fathers would want their only child to be a mistress? With how Leo treated Amanda, he should have taken her away from him by now. Instead, he allowed it.

It was when Amanda got into the picture that the whole Bane issue, fearing the Dark Alpha of the Dark Wolf pack and the threat of doom to the east, became a topic of discussion in the council.

I felt it was off that we were discussing uniting with Bane against Sylvester. I felt it was odd.

I looked at the clock, and it was past midnight. What I needed to find out could not wait.

"I need to call Leo's cell," I told Sylvester, and he frowned at me but handed me my phone.

I had Leo's cell by heart, so I just dialled and hoped he would pick.


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