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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 108


Leaving Sylvester to talk to his officers, I decided to speak to Alpha Jake about certain things. I also needed Avery and Linda's support.

There were certain things I needed to discuss with him. If I had dwelled on the issues, they would have caused severe problems. I went over the poisoning, and after all that had happened, certain things finally fell into place.

I had spent most of the time since I returned wondering why anyone would try to kill me with poison. Had I not been pregnant and vomiting, I might have died.

The vomiting helped me empty my system of the poison, and only a trace amount got into my bloodstream. Now that I had figured out why, it was time to speak to alpha Jake about it because it was very sensitive.

We met Stephanie on the way to the lounge, where Alpha Jake was waiting for us, and she was a wreck.

I asked Linda and Avery to go ahead of me while I remained to speak to Stephanie.

I watched them walk away. Jake was in the lounge in my wing, so they joined him while Stephanie and I walked toward her room to avoid eavesdroppers.

Knowing that staff members were working for the uprising, we needed to be extra careful, especially knowing what they planned to do to Stephanie.

We entered her room, and she began to pace about.

"You need to keep your shit together, Stephanie. We do not know what these people have or if they have anything at all. Keep behaving like this, and you will slip up. I need you to act as if nothing has happened and not admit to anything or get into a heated argument with anyone," I said and went to hold her shoulders. Holding her still, I stared into her eyes.

"You need to snap out of this shit, Stephanie. You are a luna, for goddess's sake. It is not in our nature to show weakness or crumble under pressure. I want you to wipe the fear and pity off your face and walk about the place with your head held up high. Sylvester has a lot of shit to deal with, and your current behaviour isn't helping at all," I warned her, slightly irritated. I guess it was my hormones. I have been a bit too emotional lately.

"So what, you committed a crime? Everyone has a secret, Stephanie. Stop thinking the worse and make yourself useful by helping us catch the ladies working for the organisation. I will be doing a major sweep of the estate today, and you will be helping with it," I said, and she widened her eyes.

"We need all the help we can get," I told her, and she frowned.

"What will we do to them if we catch them?" She asked me, and I felt rage in me.

"We have limited cells in the dungeon. Those who are forthcoming with information will get accommodation in the cells. Those who aren't will be executed immediately," I said, and she widened her eyes.

"We aren't allowed to do that," she said, and I chuckled.

"And who will stop us?" I asked her.

I was sick and tired of all the nonsense. The people we were against were cowards. I would have had more respect for them if they had waged war against us. Then we really know that they are fit to lead. This intellectual attack was a cowardly approach. I planned on showing the Kingman how to be a king.

Stephanie must have noticed my resolve because she wiped off her fear.

"Tyrant style?" she finally asked, and I nodded.

"Marcel and Theodore are on board?" She asked me, and I nodded, hopeful that Sylvester's meeting with them would go well.

"What about the region leaders?" She asked.

"Corrigan and Leo will be in support, too," I said, and an evil smile crept on Stephanie's lips.

"Oh, sweet freedom," she said with a sigh.

"I hated all this diplomacy. It never really helped anyone. Wolves need a firm hand, and they will be getting one. The investigation would be faster and easier this way. Rendering the council useless is a good move. With all the military support, we would get away with it. It would also force the culprit to reveal themselves," she said, knowing where Sylvester and I were headed with our move.

"I like it," she said, and suddenly, colour returned to her face.

Stephanie was an intelligent woman. Under such circumstances, she is bound to get away with her crimes.

" Very well, let me freshen up. I haven't showered this morning. I will join you in the lounge," She said, and I left the room.

I walked quickly towards the lounge. While I walked, I touched my bump and hoped that Leo and Devin would support the idea so we could end this nonsense, even if we did not catch them or end it. It will give us the peace we need. My wedding was a few weeks away. I wanted to experience the blue moon ceremony peacefully and not under stress.

I entered the lounge, and Jake was joking while the ladies laughed.

"Alpha Jake," I said, reaching for a glass of juice on the table.

I sat down on a chair opposite him, and he smiled at me.

"Luna Tamia, thank you for the hospitality," He said respectfully, and I smiled at him.

"You are welcome," I said and took a sip of my drink.

"I am glad you see that we have no issues with you," I said, and he stopped smiling.

He could sense the anger in my voice, and I knew it would be confusing since he had done nothing wrong and helped us. Linda and Avery stopped laughing, and they looked at me.

"Avery and I went to Brighton in good fate. We went there to restore peace and investigate and bring the culprits to book," I said, and he frowned at me.

"We risked our lives and respected you. We stayed in your house so you could watch us, yet we enjoyed the experience. The festival was beautiful," I said and leaned forwards.

"I do not have a problem with you, alpha, and I believe we have established that but I need you to be honest with me about certain things," I said, and he became uncomfortable.

"Did you give your wife to Maurice, or did she give herself as tribute?" I asked, and my question shocked him.


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