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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 14


"My darling Sylvester, by the time you read this, I would have moved far away from the north. I know we planned to spend the rest of our lives together, and I looked forward to it. Three months ago, my brother finally found his fated; she isn't his girlfriend. It left his girlfriend broken. I never want to feel that way. Your eighteenth birthday is coming soon; I am afraid she won't be me. Where will that leave us? I have decided to follow my uncle to the south; please do not come looking for me there. I hope you find your fated, and I wish you all the best. Love Susan"

I lay in bed, reading the letter my girlfriend left me eleven years ago.

We were in love, and everyone saw her as the next Luna of the north after I succeeded my father.

I had promised her that I would risk being weak and reject my fated if I ever found my fated, and it wasn't her.

Susan had no faith in my promise and panicked. She ran away a few months before my eighteenth birthday. I have never heard from her ever since.

I was heartbroken at first, then I became angry, and then I became numb.

Never wanting to feel that way again, I locked my heart away. I never found my fated, the reason why she left, and I never fell in love again.

No woman ever caught my attention again. When my father was murdered, and I had to take up the lordship, it became worse because I now didn't have time for romance anymore.

It remained that way until recently, when Tamia came into my life. Something that was supposed to be a trophy soon started giving me sleepless nights.

I was patient, but I didn't know how long it would last.

When the east decided to insult me by attacking my region, I had to put them in their place.

I had no intention of taking over their region, but I wanted to warn them, and I was glad they got my message.

When the trophies arrived, I thought it would be as usual, and I would draft them accordingly, but I was wrong.

Those green eyes burned into my soul; I had to compose myself when I looked into her eyes.

She was tough, courageous, a true luna, and she was mine.

She had given herself to save others, unsure of the fate ahead of her. Tamia got me, and her hold was tight and powerful.

After Susan, love stopped having meaning, and relationships lost their value.

I kept a harem of lovers for a while and sent them all away when I turned twenty-six. What I had now was just a collection of trophies I had never touched.

I kept a harem so no one would have ideas or hope, but Tamia was different.

I knew I would be breaking all my rules with her, and I hoped, for my sake, she would not be my downfall.

When she referred to herself as used goods, I was annoyed because she was like wine; the older, the better. Priceless and perfect.

Who would have thought I would find a woman to bring me to my knees? I wanted her for myself.

I needed to give her time to heal before I buried myself in her and claimed her as mine.

She needed time to mourn and accept her new reality before I made my move, but one thing I was sure to do was to make my intention towards her clear to everyone.

So I ensured she ate with me and all the rules that applied to my trophies did not apply to her.

She was free to do as she liked.

I spent time with her at night, and we talked about life.

I wanted to know the extent of her knowledge. I tried to understand her mind. She didn't disappoint me, either.

My wolf, Knight, was drawn to her like iron to a magnet, and he troubled me to make it official.

The mark gracing her neck annoyed me, but I kept my cool for her sake. If Leonardo Albert continues to defy me, I will have to end him to take what is mine.

Two weeks passed, and she was a bit more relaxed with me. I was tempted to sleep on her bed, but I would wait until she invited me.

Seeing her in the tunic provoked me, and I decided she wouldn't wear any of the sheer outfits given to her unless I was there.

I spent two days away from the estate. Marcel, Theodore and I had a small business to attend to in the neighbouring town. I wondered what Tamia would think and whether she would miss me.

Based on her temperament, I also knew she wouldn't tell me.

"Did you figure out who staged the attack?" I asked Theodore, my Gamma, and he shook his head.

Someone had attacked the border of a town in the north, and I needed to find out who.

I had been on high alert since my father was killed on his retirement trip.

My mother lived in the town whose borders were attacked, so I had to be extra careful. I also did not want to lose her; she was the only parent I had left.

"We are still investigating, Alpha," Theodore said and sighed.

I was very uncomfortable. I would only be comfortable if the culprit had a name, face and location. It always made me feel safer.

I let it rest and decided to speak to the town's Alpha.

He didn't know what caused the attack, but he told me the attackers seemed to be from the east.

The east was too far for someone to stage such an attack and not try to succeed.

I also knew I had just attacked the east and taken their loved ones from them. Could it be that they wanted to retaliate? Could it be that they wanted to take their trophies back?

If that was the case, they were stupid because if I had to send my men to attack them again, it would be to raze their territory and structure to the ground. I do not take likely to threats.


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