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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 175


Max and I remained in the living room while he explained his ordeal. I felt sorry for my friend, but we both knew my hands were tied.

It was a fair challenge, and many people could testify to it. He just had to find a way to get back on his feet again.

"Max," I finally spoke after he had finished telling me all his problems.

"I understand your predicament, but we both know I can't get involved. If your former pack members testify it was a fair fight, I can do nothing about it." I told him, and he shook his head.

"I am not telling tales, Leo. That guy cheated. I could not shift. I had no access to my wolf. It was traumatic. Maybe he won't be able to beat you since, just like the north, you have been training with silver for a while now, but I am telling you, Leo, Black won't be able to come out around that guy. I just want him investigated," He demanded, and I sighed.

I knew I owed him that much. As the head Alpha of the east and head of the council, I had to do what was best.

"I hope you know the alphas here won't want to help. They might not even agree to have the man investigated. I will have to take it to the council and bring it before the King and lords," I said, and Max chuckled a bit.

"We both know you do not need all that formalities. Tamia and Sylvester are just a phone call away, and Marcel, Theodore, Dominic and David are your friends now. It will be easy for you to implement." He said, and I nodded.

"That will be an abuse of power. The man has not done anything obviously wrong. We have to be diplomatic about it so we can use it if we find something. Getting evidence against your In-law isn't the only goal; how we get it would determine whether it is admissible. I promise to bring your case up before the lords and the King. The best I can do is prioritise it, so it is mentioned and given the utmost attention," I told him sternly, and he knew that was the best I could do.

I understood his agitation and fear. He had just lost everything, and it was setting in gradually.

"I have a land that you can use to start again. I won't sell it to you. It is just so you can get your bearings before we solve the Alexie matter. Maybe you might have to rechallenge him, or someone else will challenge him on your behalf. In the meantime, the head of Omega will find temporary comfortable accommodation for your members, and you can have the storage room cleared to stay in. I am happy to house you," I said, and he frowned.

" You have another free room other than the small room, Leo; why can't I stay there?" He asked, and just then, Amelia stepped out.

I doubt she heard him.

She walked towards us, and I knew it was to say hello to Max before she would do what she wanted.

" Hello, Alpha Max; I have heard so much about you from Leo," She said.

Max turned to look at her, and he was in complete shock. He moved back in the chair.

"Good goddess Leo, is she blind?" he asked, and it really got me pissed off, but I tried to control my anger. To my surprise, Amelia began to laugh.

"I get that a lot, Alpha. My eyes are unique," she said, and I was pleased with how she brushed it off.

I guess only my opinion mattered to Amelia.

She headed toward the kitchen.

"I want to fix something for us. Will Alpha Max be joining us?" She asked, and I nodded with a smile.

I watched her walk to the kitchen, and I admired her figure.

Then Max snapped me out of it with a question.

"Who is she?" He asked me, and I smiled.

"My girlfriend," I said, letting the words come out easily.

"You are dating again?" He asked, sounding surprised, and I nodded.

"You never learn, really. Isn't it too soon?" he asked, and I looked at him, a bit annoyed.

"I get you had a bad day. There is no point coming to spoil mine. Amelia and I are together. You should focus on your issues," I told him, and he frowned.

"I was just asking out of concern. There is nothing wrong in looking out for a friend," He said, and I did not bother to answer him, so I do not get pissed off.

"Her eyes, Leo. They look like moons. Her pupil is so small. she looks otherworldly. Where did she come from?" He asked, and I smiled. I liked the description of Amelia looking otherworldly; it meant she was a goddess in her own right.

"Gad," I replied, and he shook his head.

"She looks like a northerner. She looks like a northern woman, Leo. She is lying to you. Other than the eyes she got from goddess-knows-where, she looks like she is from the north. I thought you would know better than to jump into a relationship blindly," He said, and I sighed and looked at Max.

Focusing on what he thinks is my problem might help him forget about his predicament.

" I know all I need to know about my woman, Max, and I am satisfied. Drop it. Since you will live with us, I will appreciate you respecting her. She is a Delta," I added so he would know she was feisty.

We both had experience with Deltas. We were married to them.

I looked at Amelia, who she was preparing to cook in the kitchen, and promised myself not to mess it up this time.

I was young when I got with Tamia and had no experience. Now that I know what losing love feels like, I have grown a little and plan to be careful with my heart and Amelia's.

Remodelling my house and connecting the living room to the kitchen in an open space setting was the best modification I could think of. Because it gave me a view of everything.


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