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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 29


I was thrilled about the bold step that I had taken. I felt giddy about it and wanted to celebrate the engagement.

I noticed Tamia staring at her ring, which made me smile because she liked it. There was so much life in the dining room when we ate that I was glad I gave love a chance.

I never knew my heart could ever beat for anyone again. Tamia proved me wrong and had my heart on a marathon.

I held her hand throughout dinner and did not miss the opportunity to kiss her. This was it for me.

After dinner, we returned to our bedroom, and we made love. We were like beasts.

Within the walls of our room, we had no control and no limits, and somehow, I knew it would always be like this.

I decided to visit my mother the next day. I knew she was healed, so I opted to check on her. I asked Tamia to come with me, and she was a bit reluctant because of Dominic.

"I do not think it is wise to take me along. Your brother hates me for reasons known to him, and your mother just came out of a terrible attack that allegedly had something to do with me," She said, wearing her jeans.

"I want you there with me. I also hope we can find a way to speak to her about the event so you can make some deductions on the matter. Above all, I want her to meet her future daughter-in-law," I said, and she looked at me.

"I do not have experience with in-Laws," she told me, and I frowned.

"Leo's parents are still alive," I argued, and she nodded.

"They travelled when they handed over to him and have not returned since. It was just the two of us until Amanda came along," She said, and there was no ounce of hurt in her tone. I was pleased that she could talk about Amanda and Leo without being hurt. It showed that she had moved on.

I went to her and pulled her to my chest, then kissed her. Holding her in my arms felt so right. She was perfect for me.

"Green eyes," I told her, and she giggled.

"Know you have nothing to worry about whenever you are with me. I can burn the world for your sake," I said and kissed the tip of her nose. I wasn't saying those words to soothe her ego. It was my truth, and I meant it.

Anyone that tried to come between us would face my wrath.

"Please, I want you to come with me," I said and kissed her neck, tempted to sink my teeth in. Too bad I would have to wait for the wedding night to do it as tradition.

"Okay," She said, and I laughed.

"Great, wear a dress; Jeans are a lot of work," I said, squeezing her arse, and she giggled.

"You are naughty," She teased.

"For you," I replied, and her cheeks coloured.

I brushed them gently and ran my thumb against her parted lips. She licked it and sent shivers down my spine.

Then she moved away to change her outfit.

"Wear something short," I said, composing myself, and she smiled.

"Mine," Knight said, and my wolf made me laugh.

"She is ours, Knight," I corrected him, and he growled.

"Bump up the wedding; we are lord; we do not have to wait for the Blue moon ceremony. I want to make her mine now," Knight said, and I agreed with my wolf.

The Blue moon ceremony was about three months away; that was too long a time to wait to claim my woman.

"I can't control myself, Sylvester," Knight said, and I knew he might sink his teeth in before the due time. I would try to hold out for as long as I can.

She returned, dressed in a short orange sundress. Her legs looked beautiful.

"The colour suits you, darling," I said, and she smiled.

"It was the only decent outfit fit for the occasion," She said, and I smiled at her, knowing what her collection was like.

We headed out, and I felt like a schoolboy all over again. Grabbing and kissing her on our way out.

A lot of people saw us, and I did not care. I was finally living my life, and I liked it.

I wanted to drive us there but decided to have a kappa drive us last minute.

I doubted if I would last behind the wheel with how I felt.

I placed my hand on Tamia's thigh and moved up.

"I am not wearing panties," She linked me, and I looked at her. Knight growled lustfully.

She knew how to get us worked up. She reached for my hand and placed it between her legs close to her pussy, and moaned.

"This was why you made me wear something short." She linked me, and I knew my eyes were back because I could not control Knight.

She reached for my fly, unzipped my pants and reached into my boxers. The moment she held me in her hands, I relaxed to enjoy the gift she was about to give me. Bending down, she placed me in her mouth, and that was all I needed to go wild.

I could not tell where we were, the car was somewhere in the woods, but I didn't care.

I had never taken a woman in the car before. This will be the first time; She bobbed her head, taking me down till it touched the back of her throat, and I felt it. I didn't want to come in her mouth this time. So I made her come on top of me.

Placing me in her, she began to ride.


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