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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 36


Planning the engagement dinner was tedious, but Avery and Linda came through.

Linda had moved back to Theodore's room, and even though he didn't kick her out, he was guarded with her. I noticed it during dinner.

Her actions hurt him, and he needed time to get over it, just like her.

Stephanie helped immensely with the seating arrangement and the menu of the engagement dinner, which made me realise she was over it.

I stood in the dance room and admired what we had done.

Stephanie was drinking a glass of wine with Avery while Linda drank juice. We had worked for a day and a half, only taking breaks to eat and sleep; we were exhausted.

I wondered why Sylvester did not allow me to hire an event planner for this. He refused to tell me, but I believed it had to do with trust and accessibility.

I joined the women at the table they were sitting at, and Stephanie smiled at me.

"You need to brace yourself, Tamia. Northern Alphas are very stubborn, and most of them are chauvinists," she said, and we all laughed.

"The east isn't any different," I told her, and Linda chose that moment to mimic Kyle.

"You are a woman. What do you know about these matters? Leave it for the men to handle," She said. We all laughed.

"I see how well they handled the matter when the northern soldiers called. They just shoved us in their faces, afraid." She said, and honestly, that was precisely what happened to them.

We had all somehow kicked against them, banding with the south against the north, but they did not listen, only for the women to be given as peace offerings. We didn't commit the crime, yet we paid for it.

"You won't have that much trouble because of Sylvester. He adores you," Stephanie said, and I smiled.

"How are things with Theodore?" She asked Linda, and Linda looked away, knowing it was her fault.

"The women in the harem were gossiping about you and the Gamma; that was how I got to know," Stephanie said and smiled at Linda.

"Marcel and Theodore are alphas from prestigious families. Their fathers occupied their present positions, and so did their fathers before them. The rules that apply to Sylvester apply to them. Even though they have not argued or fought anyone about it, they are going against tradition being with the two of you, and their families aren't happy about it. But it really doesn't matter as long as they are happy," She said and sighed.

"Why am I telling you this?" she said with a smile, guessing that was what we were thinking.

"It is because I have never seen men devoted to their women as these men are devoted to you three. The ones before them were horrible. They were so bad that we, their mates, accepted their ill-treatment as a norm. They engaged in all kinds of orgies and torture. We dared not speak or complain. Our duties as their wives were defined, and we had to stay within those confinements, or we would be in trouble.

When I see how Sylvester is with you, Tamia, I wish Maurice loved me that way. But the truth is he didn't. I was just a tool to him. This is why I am telling you this, Linda. Do not throw away a good thing.

I know what happened to the three of you in the east, and I can tell you that my son and his friends are decent men.

They aren't douchebags and have a lot of respect for women.

They have all been burned by love in the past, and it is a joy to see them try again.

Do not make Theodore pay for a crime he did not commit. His only crime is loving you and wanting to take your pain away. I see it in his eyes. How he looks at you and how he treats you.

His mother asked me about you, and I had only good things to say. Please put your past behind you and look into the future," She said and touched Linda's hands.

"I know you do not drink but try and stay clear of alcohol tomorrow night," She said with a broad smile. She felt Linda's palm and smiled.

"Because it won't be good for the baby," She said, and we all gasped.

I looked at Linda immediately and realised she was stunned too.

"I used to be a midwife. Your complexion, mood swings, extra sensitivity to smell, and constant fatigue are all early signs of pregnancy. If you do not believe me, you can have yourself tested." She said, and I couldn't believe it.

I was a bit jealous because I wanted it to be me. Linda was a baby magnet.

"I have some test strips you can use," Avery told Linda.

"I bought them because Marcel and I are trying," She confessed, and Stephanie looked at me.

"What about you and Sylvester? " Stephanie asked me, and I smiled.

"I am envious of Linda right now because Sylvester and I are eager for this to happen," I confessed, and Stephanie smiled.

"I am eager too. It will be nice to have little Volkovs running about the place. Children always have a way of bringing the home to life."

"Do you all mind being there when I check?" Linda said, sounding a bit nervous, and we all obliged.

Stephanie would be a great friend to me if she wasn't being a protective mother.

We waited in Avery's room while Linda used the toilet.

She came out of the bathroom in tears, and I thought the result was negative, but soon I realised they were joyful tears. She was pregnant. I could not believe it.

Somehow everything that was taken from her had been restored.

At least now, her baby would have a father and not a cowardly runaway warrior who could not stand to fight for the woman he claimed to love.

We congratulated her, and Stephanie and I returned to the alpha wing.

I was feeling a bit down and worried that something might be wrong with me, but I kept it to myself.

"Tomorrow night will be great; make sure he lets you rest," Stephanie advised and hugged me. Then turned to open her door when Glenda approached us. She was in tears, and I wanted to walk away.

"What is it this time?" Stephanie asked, obviously tired of Glenda and Dominic's drama.

They have had a lot of it lately, and it was annoying.

I walked away quickly, not wanting to hear whatever was troubling her.

I returned to my bedroom and decided to run a hot bath to relax.

I applied vanilla salts to the bath and rested in it.

I was nervous about the next day, and I was nervous about my life with Sylvester.

I touched my lower belly with a deep longing wishing today's news was mine to share.

I really wanted to have children with Sylvester. I did not know I was crying until Sylvester walked into the room, and I quickly dried my tears.


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