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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 43


What Tamia did blew me away. She fearlessly came to my defence and put the council in their place. I was blessed.

I looked at Dominic's box and was grateful that he did not come. The hearing would have been difficult if he had shown up. Of everyone, he was the only one that could disrespect me without consequence. It wasn't that I could not deal with him, but I had to respect my mother and not hurt her by hurting him.

Larry seemed disappointed, and I figured he must have planned something with Dominic. I needed to investigate that man. Even though we all knew Dominic did not have the smarts to pull off something of that magnitude, I could not say the same for Larry.

Tamia was right when she asked them if they traced the documents. As much as they wanted to end the conversation after emphasising attacking Bane and Leo, I had to decline their request to end the meeting.

Pamela clamoured on Leo's issue deliberately. She said many things about the eastern alpha while watching Tamia's reaction. I knew what she was trying to prove, but I knew Tamia belonged to me and her heart beat only for me.

"Have you all finished?" I finally spoke, and there was silence. Then Vino stood to speak.

"Yes, we have, your lordship, and we ask to close the meeting," he said, and I shook my head.

"Today isn't a silent day for me," I said, and Vino sat back in his chair.

I looked at Pamela.

"What did you say were alpha Leonardo Albert's crimes?" I asked her.

"Word has it that he has teamed up with Bane to help build his army, of which they plan on marching up north to overthrow you and take over," she said with conviction, and I smiled.

"And where did you hear this?" I asked, and she did not look so confident again.

"We must keep our ears to the ground and listen for harmful news that can bring the downfall of our structure." She explained, and I smiled.

" In other words, it is a rumour," I said, and she was silent.

"And you ask me to launch an attack against this alpha based on a rumour that has no origin or facts," I said so she could understand the stupidity of her request.

"I also did not miss that you kept looking at my mate while you made that request," I said and smiled.

"Let this be the last time this council will try to use Tamia's ex-husband as bait. It is low and disrespectful. It is stupid and baseless, and I am highly disappointed in all of you." I said.

"You all called me here for a question and answer session based on baseless allegations. I would have been impressed if you had done your work, but you didn't." I said.

"While you are all trying to create an issue out of nothing, there is a serious matter pending that we are yet to discuss," I said, and they were attentive.

"Who sent Enforcer Bryce Golubev yesterday morning to the east to demand development taxes from Alpha Leonardo? This was done after I told Vino I did not pass that order. Why wasn't he called back? Why did he threaten the alpha?" I asked, and they were silent.

Tamia was in shock.

I should have told her when she returned to our room yesterday evening, but I was too angry about what the council was doing and worried about how far they were willing to go to say anything to her.

It is a shame that Leo and I can never be friends because I took away his price possession, but I respected the alpha for reaching out instead of reacting.

"I need an answer," I said, and Councilwoman Joan Clayman stood to speak.

"With all due respect, your Lordship, how did you come about this?" she asked, and I smiled.

"Alpha Leo had the heart to reach out to us and enquire about the so-called development tax. I am glad he did not revolt." I said and refused to change the topic.

"I asked a question," I reminded them, and no one spoke, so I looked at Marcel, and he nodded.

Kappa William ushered in the enforcer, and the council members were silent.

"Bryce," Marcel said, and the man knelt and kept his head bowed. He wasn't allowed to look into our eyes, and he knew his place.

" Who gave you the order to go to the east yesterday morning? Who paid for your flight and commissioned the mission?" Marcel asked, and he did not speak.

"If you choose to hold your tongue, you and your family will be tried for treason. Delivering false news in the name of the Wolf lord is treasonous," Marcel warned him, and the man bowed his head.

"I honestly thought the order was genuine. Lord Dominic gave it to me," he said, and people began to murmur.

"When did he give this to you?" I asked him.

"Three nights ago. It had your seal on. I believed it was from your office," he said, and people began to murmur.

I could hear outrage and disappointment in the room.


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