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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 45


Avery and Linda arrived in my room a few minutes after they had linked me.

They sat on the couch while I dressed up in Sylvester's clothes.

What happened with his mother baffled me, and I was nervous about what to expect from the woman.

The switch was disturbing, and somehow I knew it would not be easy onwards.

I did not need to guess whose side Sylvester was on. Stephanie had picked a dangerous game because I was bound to win.

I joined Avery and Linda on the couch, then linked the staff to serve us tea and biscuits.

"What is with Stephanie?" Avery asked me, looking curious.

"She was drinking in the lounge of this wing, and we went to say hello. She was very nasty to us. Calling us whores, backstabbers, thieves, name it, Tamia. She looked like she was out of it," Avery said, and I sighed sadly.

"She is unhappy about what happened with Dominic and believes I was the mastermind behind his arrest. I am officially her enemy now," I said, and Linda hissed.

"That is pathetic and silly. What do you have to gain from that? You already have it all. You will be the lady of the north in two months. Sylvester is indisputably yours. She is silly," Linda said, sounding irritated.

"Actually, I did ask her to make sure that Dominic does not show up at the hearing, and I did imply that I will go against him if he troubles Sylvester," I confessed, and Linda rolled her eyes.

"So what? The arsehole deserves it and much more. Sometimes I suspect she didn't give birth to Sylvester because of the way she is quick to side with Dominic against him, even if Dominic is in the wrong, and that douchebag is always in the wrong. I think it is an odd situation. I can understand favouritism, but this is too damn much. Screw her. We do not need her as our friend." Linda said, and I giggled

Linda made a lot of sense, but I knew Stephanie was Sylvester's mother.

"She disagrees with Sylvester's policies. She wanted him to get justice for her husband. She wanted him to expand.." I said, and Avery began to laugh, interrupting me in the process.

"Really, who will get justice for all the people her husband wronged? Her husband ruined lives and wrecked homes. Bane is a hero. I do not care what people say," Avery said, and I covered her mouth.

"Please do not say things like that. The walls have ears, and we do not want Stephanie to have anything against us." I said, and Linda laughed.

Just then, Nancy walked in with our tea and biscuits, and I was worried she might have heard Avery. She was about to leave when I stopped her.

"I am sorry for what I am about to do, Nancy, but I will need you to taste the food. A lot is happening right now, and I am just being careful," I said, and Nancy smiled.

"It is alright, Luna," she said, tasted our teas, and ate our biscuits.

She stood for about ten minutes before I apologised and dismissed her.

"What was that about?" Avery asked, biting into her biscuit.

I placed the tea by my nose, and the scent was a bit strong, so I put it down and opted to drink the cranberry variation instead of the black tea.

"Stephanie hates us, and she was married to a psycho. I do not want to make mistakes," I said, and Linda laughed.

"What is wrong with the tea?" Avery asked me, and I shook my head.

"The smell is a bit too strong this afternoon. I wonder if the brand is what we are used to. I will ask Nancy." I said, and she nodded and opted to take the cranberry variation, too; likewise, Linda.

"So, who do you think it is?" Avery asked me the real reason they had come.

"I doubt it is Dominic; I think someone set him up to throw us off their scent. He is the most obvious culprit. It is just too easy," I said, and Linda laughed.

"Sometimes life can be easy, and the truth might really be what it is. Just look at how easily we found love again," she said, and I nodded.

"I am not disputing the fact that he might have a hand in this. Possibly, he did it, but he was too stupid to cover his tracks. It is a possibility, but between Brighton's attack and this, it does not seem like the same person." I said, and Avery nodded.

" I agree, but it still does not mean Dominic is innocent. He might have miscalculated or tried to copy the original crime hoping it would go a certain way," she said, and it made a lot of sense.

"Dominic was desperate to take over from his brother. The issue with Brighton must have given him the idea to try to replicate the same scenario with an alpha alleged to have teamed up with the enemy of the north. Either way, it would be a winning situation; it would have caused a war or forced Sylvester to step down." I said, and Linda frowned.

"But if Sylvester steps down, it would leave the Volkov's line and go to the Sidorovs, then the Orlovs. If neither Marcel nor Theodore cuts it, the north will have to choose between Dominic and Vino to lead them. Neither of them is an alpha, but they would likely lean towards Dominic." Linda said, and I nodded.

"You can put it that way, but we also have to consider Dominic's friendship with Larry. Larry is the eldest on the council. He hates Sylvester and believes Dominic should take over from him. The man must have assured Dominic that he would force the council to endorse him. In exchange, Dominic will be his puppet and wage war, increase the power of the seat and the council and enrich the north," I said, and they were silent.

"So, how is Sylvester handling it?" Avery asked, and I could not answer that question because I did not know.

"I think we should investigate this thing like we used to do back in the east," Linda said.

"I do not think Theodore would want you to get involved," I said, and she rolled her eyes. She wanted to do this for the thrill.

" Let us bring it up during dinner," I said to them, and Avery agreed.


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