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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 49


"Your skin is so sensitive, Tamia; it feels like I am learning your body all over again," Sylvester linked me, eating me up.

I grabbed onto his hair tightly and writhed.

I felt my orgasm coming, and I couldn't control it. Everything was going straight to my head, and my skin was burning.

"Sylvester..." I moaned, and my body climaxed.

"I want to see your green eyes, Tamia," he said and placed himself into me.

He knew I was sensitive, so he was gentle.

"So warm, so soft, so wet," He moaned and started pumping, hitting the right spots. My body felt so different, and I loved it.

I watched his teeth elongate, and his eyes turn black. Knight was in charge, and he increased his speed.

"Mine," He growled his famous words. Owning me with every pump, my body responded strongly. Taking it all and wanting more.

It got into my head, and I could no longer keep eye contact, feeling my orgasm coming.

I grabbed him, digging my nails into his skin, wanting everything he was ready to give and all of him.

"I am coming," I moaned, unable to control my need anymore and shattered all over.

Knight pumped through my orgasm, making me feel like I had an out-of-body experience. If too much pleasure could kill, this would have been my death because he kept pumping, and I kept coming.

Every sense was heightened. Everything amplified. It had never felt this good, and I knew I would be wet every time I thought of this and would find myself running back to him.

He growled and poured into me. My pussy milked him for everything I could get. I felt his hands shake. He could no longer support his weight with it, and he gently lay on top of me to catch his breath.

I wrapped my arms around him and rubbed his back gently. Satisfied and glowing. Sylvester understood my body.

Soon he rolled off me to lie on the bed. Then I turned to the side to look at him. He smiled at me and then touched the tip of my nose gently.

"You know I do not want you in Brighton, but you are too stubborn." He said, and we both laughed.

"You do not have to solve the mystery, green-eyes. Just come home in three days," he said, and I smiled and nodded.

"It will feel like an eternity for me here. Not seeing you or being with you for three days would be torture. Please do not let it linger," He pleaded, and I kissed him to assure him he had nothing to worry about.

He held me all through the night, and soon morning came.

Sylvester made love to me in the shower. We got dressed, and we were famished. So hungry that I felt like biting something. He laughed at my hunger, and we went to the breakfast room.

We walked past Stephanie's room, and I felt a chill down my spine.

The woman's absence and silence troubled me, but Sylvester did not think much of it, so I did not want to bring it up or take any measures, so he won't think I was against his mother. I could only be lucky where she was concerned so many times. She was his mother, after all, and I know he loved her, regardless of her behaviour.

Everyone was in the lounge, and I noticed only Avery was dressed. Linda wasn't dressed, and she did not seem happy.

I sat down and started dishing my food. At the same time, I greeted them individually with the utmost respect a hungry, freshly fucked woman could manage.

"You are really hungry," Avery said and giggled.

"Alpha must have drained you," she teased, and we both laughed, but Linda did not join in. She was upset.

"What is with her?" I linked Avery, and she stopped laughing.

"Theodore said no. He said he would not allow her to travel to Brighton in her condition." she linked me back, and I felt sorry for her, but I could understand his reasons. She was at a delicate stage. She needed to be careful.

Linda was so angry that her mood affected everyone except my tummy. I ate the tarts, croissants, sandwiches. I sampled everything to eat on the table, and Sylvester was surprised.

"I believe they have good food in Brighton, Green eyes," He said, and everyone laughed, including myself.

I felt terrible for Linda, but Theodore had a point: she was carrying his child, and we did not know what kind of stress we would experience in Brighton.

"You will use the jet," Sylvester said, and I knew if I declined, he would insist. My intention was to arrive there covertly, but it seemed that would not be possible.

"There will be a chauffeur in Gad that will drive you to Brighton. The shadow warriors will be with you, but you won't see them. They are good at hiding and trailing people, which is why they are called shadow warriors. I have instructed them to only interfere when your lives are in danger," he said, and I nodded.

As much as I wanted to tell him it wasn't necessary, I knew those were his conditions.

We got ready to leave, and Sylvester and Marcel decided to drive us to the hangar.

It was a covert mission, so no one was there except the pilot. Avery and I got into the jet.

We landed in Gad an hour later, and I realised the distance would have been torture if we had to drive through. The nausea was terrible, but I kept it together.

True to Sylvester's words, a driver was waiting for us at the airport in Gad, and we proceeded to Brighton.

As we drove through, I realised Gad was a big city. I also saw a lot of electronic billboards paying homage to Sylvester. I honestly thought the west hated the Volkovs.

"These people seem to love Lord Volkov," I said aloud, not wanting to call Sylvester by his name.

"Yes, Luna. Lord Sylvester was the one that brought development to Gad. It wasn't different from Brighton. Where others pushed back, the people of Gad welcomed him, and this was the result. There are other parts of the west like this. After the development of Gad, people accepted him, and he has been working hard ever since. The west is grateful to be under his lordship." Denis, the Chauffeur, said, and I hoped my work would be easy.


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