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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 5


Another month passed, and things got worse between Leo and me. He never spent time with me anymore and seemed to have miraculously moved out of our bedroom.

I saw it all coming, yet it bothered me.

He took her along to functions he was invited to and told me to mind the pack. I was working on my exit, so I kept telling myself it would only take a little longer.

I would often stare at my neck where his mark rested and want to clean it off. I hated seeing it so much, I always covered the area. My tears had run dry.

Some lunas reached out to me to sympathise with me, and others congratulated Amanda; she wasn't named Luna yet, and I knew why.

Amanda was a medical doctor, and she wasn't trained for battle. Naming her Luna would mean she would have to take up all my responsibilities, including leading battles. I guess her life was too important for that. I planned on surprising Leo soon.

I was sitting in my office when Leo barged in and began to yell at me. He was behaving like a madman. He had never spoken to me in such a manner before. People were around and had to excuse us, but he had already embarrassed me.

"What is the matter?"

"Why did you send men after Amanda?" He asked me, and I frowned at him.

"Answer me!" he yelled, and I shook my head.

"I did not send anyone after Amanda," I said, and he raised his hand to slap me but stopped and looked at his hand with disbelief.

He looked up at me with misty eyes. He was ashamed of what he was about to do.

"I have a man in the cell that said you sent him to kill Amanda. Why will you do that? It isn't our fault that we are fated. It isn't my fault, Tamia. Why couldn't you just make it easy for all of us?" He said, and tears streamed down his eyes. He sat on the chair in my office, bowed his head, and wept.

His words hurt me not because of the accusation but because he said it wasn't his fault he had found his fate. I sat down and stared at him numbly.

"I have made it easy, Leo," I said.

"When last did you speak to me lovingly? When last did we go to a function together other than security meetings? When last did you spend time with me as your wife? When was the last time we slept on the same bed? When was the last time you made love to me?" I asked him, and he looked up at me with swollen eyes. I knew he was conflicted, but I was the one hurting.

"We have barely spoken in two weeks, and you barge into my office to accuse me of sending goons after your mate. You didn't even bother to ask or investigate." I said, and he looked ashamed.

"You said a prisoner in custody said I sent him to eliminate Amanda. What proof does he have?" I asked Leo, and he was speechless.

"Anyway. I didn't do it. Someone is trying to frame me, and you should be smart enough to know that I wouldn't plan this because I never fail," I said.

"Is that why you decided to go house hunting without telling me? I learnt of all your requests to neighbouring Alphas begging to let you own a property on their lands. Did you think I wouldn't find out?" He asked me, sounding hurt, and I fought the urge to roll my eyes.

"I am sure Amanda will like the space. There will be no need for her to moan louder than necessary when you two are together." I said, and he was silent.

"You are my wife and Luna of this pack. You are not allowed to leave," He said, behaving like a victim.

"I have warned all the Alphas that if they give you refuge, they will have me to contend with. I might have a fated, but you are still my wife, and I am not letting you go. I will die before I let you go, Tamia," He said with determination and a promise.

There was a time it would have made my heart flutter, but that was gone the moment we welcomed his fated into our home.

"You should let me go, Leo, because I do not feel the same way anymore," I said, and my words hurt him.

"We will talk more at home. Sorry I barged into your office, and I am sorry I believed the bastard without investigating the issue. There is a dinner tomorrow evening, and I want you to accompany me there. I want people to know you are still my wife, and I love you dearly," he said.

I smiled because I was going to go regardless. Linda had sent me an invite and promised to introduce me to her friends. We were both in the same situation, but that did not mean we would deal with it the same way.

"See you at home," he said and walked away.

I arrived home, and Amanda was crying on the couch.

I ignored her completely and went to my bedroom. It was mine and Leo's, but he wasn't sleeping there anymore.

To my surprise, I found him in the room.

I did not bother to ask him what the deal was with Amanda, and I Just went to the closet to undress and shower.

I locked the door behind me when I entered the bathroom. I did not want him coming in or touching me. I heard him try the knob on the door, and I smiled. I realised he must have told Amanda he would be sleeping in my room tonight, which must have hurt her feelings.

There was no way he was just doing this to please me; I knew he wanted something from me. I Ignored him.

After showering, I dressed up in the bathroom and ensured that the lace fitted night dress I was wearing was sexy.

I had changed my wardrobe to have more sexually provocative outfits, and now I had make-up too.

I exited the bathroom and went to sit at the vanity table.

"When did you start locking the bathroom door?" he said, sitting at the foot of the bed.

"When a third party moved into my home, you stylishly moved out of our room," I replied, sounding bored.

"This is still our room, Tamia, and you are still my wife. I am new to this; I am trying," He said, sounding like a broken record, and I sighed.

"Of course," I said, smiling, and he sighed.

He came to me and kissed his mark on my neck.

"Don't force it, Leo. Your heart isn't in it." I said, and he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.


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