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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 52


This was unheard of.

We sat on the grass for thirty minutes, and nothing.

"Do you feel anything? Is your wolf weak?" I asked, and he shook his head.

"Wow," I said, and he chuckled lightly.

"Sylvester is lucky to have you," he confessed, and I bowed my head.

"You were right, Tamia. I should have seized that moment, but I didn't. It is my loss," he said, and I smiled at him.

"I know you will find someone that will love you genuinely, Devin, but please stop fighting Sylvester. He isn't a bad guy," I said, and he laughed.

"It's funny you ask me not to fight the guy you rejected me for," he said, and I knew I sounded a bit stupid.

"But I understand. Because there was no love between us, all my longing for you is gone, and I am sure the same for you. I guess the bond is only a guide to help us build a relationship and fall in love, hence why Leo has been unable to get over you," he said and touched my hand and kissed it gently.

"I liked you from the moment I saw you, and I still do. I won't attack Sylvester because of you, Tamia, but if he looks for my trouble, I will give it to him," He said, and I could feel pain and heartbreak in his eyes, even though he was trying to hide it.

"You will find someone worthy," I said to him, and he nodded and stood up.

"I doubt she will be anything like you, Tamia. You are one of a kind," He said, and I smiled.

He stretched his hands and helped me stand up. Then pulled me close and kissed me. I let him, and he broke the kiss.

"I will remember this, Tamia and I will always seize my moment so I do not lose out. If he ever hurts you, you can call on me, Tamia," He said and caressed my cheek longingly.

"I will always answer you whenever you call me. I promise you. I do not know why this rejection did not hurt or weaken us, but I am glad that other than the heartache, we did not lose much," he said, and I kissed his palm, hoping I hadn't made a mistake and condemned myself for nothing.

He held my hand, and I could see he was reluctant to let go.

"Bond aside, just like Sylvester, I too would have fallen in love with you, and maybe I had a little bit that night," He said.

We both chuckled lightly.

He patted my cheek and left me in the gardens, and as he walked away, my heart was overcome with fear. Fear of the unknown. This was my chance to be with my fated, and I had thrown it away. I prayed to the goddess that I had not made a wrong choice and that this would not end up hurting me.

I returned to the party and sat on the high table next to Avery.

"Goddes, Tamia, you looked ravaged," She said, and I felt tears wanting to fall.

I felt I had wronged Sylvester and cheated on him by letting Devin kiss me and touch me. Tears began to fall, and Avery quickly made them excuse us, so they wouldn't see my tears.

We returned to the room, and I began to cry.

"What happened? You reek of someone else, Tamia. What did you do? Were you attacked?" she asked, and I shook my head.

"I found my fated tonight," I told her, and she gasped.

"Fuck!!!" she yelled and sat beside me.

"Fuck fuck fuck!!!" She exclaimed.

"I let him kiss me; he almost claimed me, and I liked it," I said, crying. She held me.

"This is not good for you and Sylvester, Tamia," she said, and I shook my head.

"I rejected him, and he accepted, but I still feel like shit. I feel like I have cheated on Sylvester," I said, and she hugged me.

"You have done the bravest thing that no alpha has been able to do. I am sure a kiss will be better than running off with your fated. Besides, nothing happened between you two; it was just a kiss. Wash his scent off your body and forget about it. You don't have to tell Sylvester about it if a reason doesn't exist. Telling him about it means that it meant something, and from how you are behaving, I know it meant nothing, so let it go," she said, and I nodded.

"Who was it?" She asked me, and I looked at her.

"Devin Corrigan," I said, and her eyes looked like they were going to pop out of the sockets.

"No way!" she exclaimed, and I nodded.

"That explains a lot. The way he behaved at the dinner was weird. You couldn't sense him because of Leo's mark," She said, then stood up and began to pace.

"No wonder he attacked the Volkov estate for you. No wonder people were asking if anything was between you two. Why didn't he claim you as his at the party?" She asked the same question that I asked him.

"He said he wanted the moment to be perfect," I said, and she chuckled.

"His loss. Did the man ever hear of the saying Seize the Moment?" she said, and I did not know what to say.

"I guess not," she concluded.

"Look, darling, dust yourself and move on," She said, and I nodded,

"What if Sylvester finds his fated and makes me share?" I asked her, and she realised what was truly troubling me.

"I am sure you did not sacrifice for the wrong man, but if that ever happens, I know you are strong to handle it," She said and came to sit with me and rub my hand gently.

"I do not think you should worry about things like that. All we can know is the moment, and we must live in it. Tomorrow is beyond our control. Let it take care of itself," she said and lifted my chin gently.

"Today and now, Sylvester loves you; I doubt anything will ever change that," She said and kissed the top of my head.

"Come on, we need to shower and pack our bags. I want to see my man tomorrow morning, and you need Sylvester's comfort, after which you will have to see the doctor because you do not seem fine," she said, and I laughed a bit.

She led me to the shower, and I had a warm bath, after which food was brought to our room by Iris, and we thanked her for her kindness.


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