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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 55


"That went well," Kaira said, purring in my head as Sylvester walked to the bathroom naked.

I stared at his chiselled body, and it made me groan. How could someone be carved so perfectly? Tight butt cheeks, define calves. His muscles flexed, and his tattoo was masterfully done.

"How did we end up with such a hottie?" Kaira said, and I had to shut my horny wolf up because Leo was hot too but not this hot.

Kaira was a complete contrast from a few hours ago when she was panicking about our make-out session with Devin.

I wondered how Devin was doing and if he had indeed moved on. I hoped so because the last thing I wanted was for him to feel cheated.

"Come over," I heard Sylvester in my head, and I left the bed naked and went into the bathroom. He laid in the tub with water and asked me to sit between his legs so he could wash me.

I got in with him, and he kissed my shoulder, which made me moan. He lathered the sponge and began to wash my skin. I knew I was being pampered, so I relished the moment. Taking everything in and letting him spoil me.

Morning came, and we had our breakfast together.

Everyone congratulated me, and I noticed Avery was a bit affected by it. She was happy for me, but she was sad for herself.

I touched her hand lightly to encourage her, and she knew that I knew.

Soon we left the place and got ready to go to the council hall.

Stephanie approached us on our way out, and I was a bit uncomfortable.

I did not know what to tell her, but I chose to be civil for Sylvester's sake.

"Good morning, dear Tamia," she said, and I smiled at her in response.

"Congratulations. Thanks to you I will soon be a grandma," She said, looking genuinely happy, and I smiled at her, not wanting to say anything.

She touched my hand and patted it lightly.

" We should talk when you return," she said gently with pleading eyes. I did not want to be alone in a room with her, but I knew Sylvester won't see anything wrong with it, so I nodded.

"As long as the conversation does not include my doom and slurs, I will make room," I said, and Sylvester chuckled.

She pulled me into a hug.

"I am sorry for all the hurtful things I said to you," She said. Because she didn't strike me as the type to eat her words, I was wary of her apology, but I accepted it for Sylvester's sake. I did not want him to feel torn between his mother and me, but I had questions for her and hoped she would be truthful enough to answer them.

We walked away, and a vehicle was waiting for us.

Usually, Sylvester used his jeep; I wondered why he opted to have a driver drive us in a car. We got into the backseat, and he held me.

"A car?" I said, and he nodded.

"No one drives my jeep, and I want to hold you all through," He said and kissed my neck.

"I still can't believe you rejected your fated for me. You have proven to me that true love exists," he said, and I looked at him and searched his eyes. The driver started the vehicle and moved.

"I was scared you would be mad," I confessed, and he shook his head.

"I wasn't growling from anger, green eyes; I was growling from fear. Ever since the attack on the northern gates, I have feared that Devin would take you from me. What you told me has now put my mind at peace," He said and touched my belly lightly.

"I want to claim you so badly, and I doubt I can wait until the blue moon. If I did not need the blue moon for it to work, I would have done it last night. I want us to be connected on all levels, Tamia; I want you inside me. I want you to share my soul, and I share yours," he said, and we kissed.

We finally arrived at the council hall and went to sit in Sylvester's box. Everyone was there, Avery, Marcel, Theodore and Linda. On the floor at the centre was a broken version of Dominic, a very afraid Bryce and a furious version of Larry.

I knew Larry shouldn't be there, but Sylvester wanted to humiliate the man and make him suffer.

He was justified to do so because the man tried to use Dominic to work against him.

The sooner Dominic realises the enemy is from without, the better.

Vino greeted Sylvester and acknowledged our presence, then handed over to Jacob Mikhailov, the council spokesman.

"I speak on behalf of the council when I say you have overstepped your bounds, my lord," The man said, and Sylvester was silent.


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