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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 58


Stephanie did not look well. Her eyes were swollen, and her hands were shaking. It was clear that she had been crying.

I wanted to ignore her, but I couldn't. I knew Sylvester wouldn't, so I decided to show some concern.

"Are you alright?" I asked, and she looked at me and shook her head.

"I am not, Tamia. Everything is falling apart. Dominic won't come out of his room. He said he feels like a nobody. I have tried to talk him out of it, but he is too ashamed to let himself mingle," She said, and I nodded.

"You need to give him time, Stephanie. He had a near-death experience. If Bryce had not confessed, he might have been dead by now. He will need time to recover from it," I said, and she hugged me and began to cry.

I did not know what to tell her. So I hugged her in return and patted her back.

"You need to take it easy, Stephanie. Crying won't fix him. You need to find the things and people that make him happy and try to surround him with them," I said, and she sighed and bowed.

She looked at me and studied me.

"You will be the Lady of the north soon, Tamia; there are things I need to tell you. Things that I swore to take to my grave but I suspect are part of why all these are happening to my sons," She said, and I was surprised that she was willing to trust me with her secret.

"Are you sure you want to tell me?" I asked her, and she nodded.

"You will be Luna soon and rule by his side. You're already doing it, and unlike me, your Alpha loves you and gives you freedom. You take part in council discussions and give advice. None of which I was allowed in my time. You give northern women hope, Tamia." She said and sighed.

"There are things I need to tell for the sake of the Volkov bloodline. You need to know that you have a Volkov growing inside you. You need to know the truth about Maurice and our children.." She said, and my mind went to what Jake had told me.

Was she planning on telling me the truth, or was she planning on deceiving me like she might have deceived her children?

"Does it have anything to do with what is going on?" I asked, and she paused, looking at me. She was contemplating what to tell me. She was sizing me up, and I wasn't angry at all.

"It might," she confessed, and I looked at her.

"I will join you in your room in a few minutes. I want to check on Avery. The hallway isn't as safe as we think; we might have spies lurking about the place," I linked her, and she nodded at me.

I still could not shake off Lily's phone conversation. I could not shake off the fact that I knew she wasn't supposed to have a phone. I couldn't shake it off. Something was off, and I planned on figuring it out.

Stephanie walked past me, heading to her room while I headed towards the Beta's wing to see Avery. I would have checked on Linda too, but I knew she and Marcel went on a date.

I got to Avery's door and knocked.

"It's open," I heard Avery say, and I gently let myself in. I saw my friend sitting on a couch and working on an embroidery piece. I looked at the leaf design she was weaving into the fabric and realised that her skill had improved, but she was still marring the fabric.

"Tamia, you and Sylvester missed dinner," She said, and I nodded and sat beside her.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, and she sighed.

"I feel nervous," She said, and I wondered why.

"Why?" I asked, and she sighed and put down her supposed artwork, which was more of a cluster and an honest attempt at being creative.

"I have wanted babies for as long, but when Michelle came into our lives, it became a tall dream. Now I found love again. Marcel and I started trying before you and Sylvester got together. Then Linda and Theodore got together," She said and bowed her head and began to weep.

"Yet I am still waiting in line, Tamia. I waited in line with Max, and I believe that was why Michelle got the best of him, and now here I am with Marcel," she said, and I moved close to her and rubbed her back.

"Do not be afraid, Avery; it will happen for you, too," I said, rubbing her back.


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