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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 66


I woke in the morning with a bit of morning sickness. So I rushed to the bathroom and threw up what was left of my dinner from last night. Sylvester joined me in the bathroom and rubbed my back gently.

Knowing why I was throwing up, neither of us was bothered.

He kissed the top of my head, and I wiped my lips gently and smiled at him.

"Good morning," he said to me, gently patting my hair. I smiled in response. We sat down on the bathroom floor.

Sylvester placed his hand on my stomach and rubbed gently.

"I can't wait to meet our baby, Tamia," He said, and I gently touched his hand on my tummy.

"We still have a long way to go; it's flat," I pointed out, and we laughed.

We got ready for the day and headed downstairs. I could not wait to go through the journals.

As much as I wanted to get to the bottom of things, I was curious about Jenny's life because the woman had a lot of skeletons in her closet and seemed a bit eccentric.

"Good morning," Linda said, smiling at me, and her smile was extra, which made me know Theodore had done a lot of work.

"Good morning," I greeted her and Theodore, and he smiled at me while rubbing her back.

Avery and Marcel were yet to join us.

Sylvester pulled out a seat for me to sit down. I sat and looked at Linda. She was glowing. She looked nothing like the Linda that I used to know. It was amazing what true love could do to someone. We were lucky.

We came to the north as war prisoners and found love in the process. Like in the east when our husbands were friends, likewise in the north. It was amazing to see how intertwined our destinies were. It was still in the very same order.

"Where is Marcel?" Sylvester asked Theodore, and he smiled.

"They will soon join us, I hope," Theodore answered, and Sylvester laughed. I knew there was a subtle exchange between the men, which we weren't privy to, so I squeezed my man's thigh.

"Have you decided what our team would wear during the polo?" Theodore asked Sylvester, and he shook his head.

"Maybe our women would decide that," Sylvester said, lifted my hand and kissed it.

"I want to look sexy while you cheer me on during our games," he said, and I smiled at him.

"That is an easy colour. Black polo shirt and white trousers. Black and white everything," I said, and he nodded.

"As you wish, my Lady," he said, and I felt tingles.

"I am so excited about the ball before the sports games begin. I learned everyone would be there," Linda said, and I wondered why she would be excited. Then it hit me that our exes might be coming for the games, but I also knew that the east and most of the south were never invited to the all-region games.

"You will get to rub it in his face one day, Linda but not at the games. They never invite the east," I linked her, and her smile dropped. She really wanted to laugh at Kyle. I could understand. Theodore was an upgrade from the douchebag.

Theodore was a powerful Alpha and third in command of our world. A position Kyle could never dream of. It would have been nice if she and Avery got the chance to rub the joy on their faces. Call it petty, but there was a true satisfaction that would come with their pain and disbelief. I knew one day it would happen, and no matter how much they claimed not to care, they would because the women had an upgrade.

Avery joined us with Marcel, and with how they looked, I knew what they had been up to.

Marcel did not button all the way up, meaning they were in a rush, and Avery looked like she packed her hair before tumbling in the sheets. She couldn't take the time to comb and pack the hair again, so she decided to pat it and fix herself up.

"Shall we eat?" Sylvester said, and we dug in.

I ate everything. My appetite was over the roof, and Sylvester kept adding things to my plate.

Breakfast ended, and I was the first to leave the table to head to where we kept the journals.

There were six journals altogether, and somehow it wasn't a daily record of her life; browsing through the page, I realised she only recorded significant events.

"Read aloud, Tamia," Marcel said. We were all eager for answers, so we sat in the living room, and I picked the oldest journal, judging by the dates, to read.

"Today was the worst day of my life. I told Maurice I would like to have a baby with him, and he shut it down. He said he already has one bastard; he can't have another. It really hurt because I love him so much, and it would be a gift to have a baby with him," I finished.

It wasn't informative, but we now knew how Maurice felt about having a baby with her; maybe that is why the baby is nowhere.

I flipped through, looking for something significant.

Jenny seemed the type to rant a lot, and I wasn't surprised. She was alone most of her life, so she was bound to rave in her journals. Everyone needed an outlet, and this was hers, especially since she had dirty disgraceful secrets.


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