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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 70


Tamia walked into the room tired. I was at my desk working on my computer.

Someone had sent money to a Bricks Liam in Gad, and I was on it.

It was an anonymous transfer, but the receiver had slipped off.

Instead of using a number as an ID to collect the money, he gave his Id and name.

This was the first slip-up since I started tracing the transactions.

Was it possible that Lily was the one helping these people hide their tracks because this was an idiotic move?

If that was it, I would make sure the bitch suffered most excruciatingly. The truth about Lily was she wasn't a trophy, as everyone believed. Her father sent her to the estate the year we had decided we would no longer keep a harem.

He wanted her to be my mistress and bear me children, but I felt it was wrong and saw her more like a younger sister. I did not know it would get to her and make her act stupid. I was angry.

The only reason I let her stay was that her father was my father's friend, and they agreed that she would live on the estate.

I had abolished the laws of the lord and alphas keeping harems, but some people still wanted it in place. Bearing a bastard for the top six families would guarantee an elite life for such people and their families. Hence, everyone wanted it, and the elites would rather their daughters be mistresses than marry into lesser families.

It was a sick tradition that people still tried to keep even though I had abolished it. I banned alphas, betas and gammas from sending their daughters to my estate three years ago, and I have maintained it since then.

"Are you alright?" Tamia said, bending and hugging me from behind. She kissed my cheek, and I grabbed her and placed her on my lap to kiss her properly.

I drank her in, kissing her and taking in her scent until she moaned for me and broke away from the kiss, getting up. She went to sit on the bed, and I watched her move.

"I am so tired," she said, arching her back and moving so she could crack her spine for relief. She turned her neck, too, for the same reason, and I laughed.

"That is why there is a planner. So you do not have to stress yourself, my lady, but you always choose to. I can't stop you because I did not want to argue with you," I said, and she laughed at me.

"I think I would soak in the bath," She said, and I nodded.

She stripped as she walked toward the bathroom and moved seductively, making Knight growl and lust for her.

"Tamia," I growled, and she giggled, knowing exactly what she was doing. I closed my laptop and decided to join her in the bath.

It had been two days since we made love, and I would not let her get away from me tonight.

I waited a bit, then took off my clothes and went to join her in the bathroom. She sat in the tub and looked at me, smiling.

"Did you miss me?" She asked, knowing exactly what was on my mind, and Knight growled in response.

I got into the bath with her, and she moved to me and kissed me. She broke the kiss and put foam at the tip of my nose, laughing.

She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Her eyes captivated me, and her laughter was enthralling.

She had brought me to my knees entirely before I knew it. She was easy to love and be with.

No tension and no stress.

She wasn't a social climber. Her love and affection were true.

What did I do to be this lucky? I looked at her innocent eyes and drew her close to me.

"My Tamia," I said, and she stopped laughing. Her eyes flashed golden, and I knew it was jealous Kaira.

"I love you too, Kaira; you two are the same," I said, and she giggled.

I pulled her close and kissed her lips. We kissed deeply and had to break to catch our breaths. So I rested my forehead against hers.

"It will always be like this. My love will never die, and it will never weaken. It will always be strong, Tamia. I will never allow you to regret this. I am nothing like my father. You will never have to share, and you will never have to deal with shit. I will be true all my life, worship and cherish you until I die. You have nothing to worry about where I am concerned, my love." I said, and tears streamed down her eyes.

"I know, Sylvester. I know. I want you to know that for me, it is the same. This is my family. You are my family. You and our baby, and it will always be like that. My past is behind me and forgotten; it can never compete with what we have. Know that and trust me, Sylvester," She said, and from how she said it, I knew something was troubling her, but I did not want to spoil the moment and ask what it was because I knew she was speaking her truth.

She kissed me and soon came over to me in the bath. I let her.

My body was ready and eager to please her and receive the love she was willing to give. She came over to me, and I grabbed her waist and guided my length into her. Her warmth engulfed me with peace and pleasure as she rode me.

It felt so fucking good that I did not want it to stop. I held on to my cum, wanting her to ride her fill.

Tamia rode me, and I enjoyed every bit of it. She was my haven, and I was grateful. The pleasure got into my head, and I moaned.


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