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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 73


Planning the ball for the games became a bit challenging after what Sylvester told me.

As time drew near, I became a nervous wreck. I tried to hide it, but I couldn't.

Sylvester would often figure it out, and I will pretend to snap out of it.

I was afraid that Susan would take him from me. She was his first, and he never had closure; what if his heart remembers her? I tried to be calm, but I couldn't.

Stephanie was a bit worried; she somehow knew Sylvester had told me about the guests coming.

Four days before the event, I couldn't hide my fear anymore. I sat on the chair in the hall, going through the table arrangement, and I looked like a wreck.

The eastern alphas and Devin had turned down the ball for reasons best known to them.

Linda wasn't happy about it, but since they were going to play polo too, she would still have her day. My heart was so troubled that I felt sick and had to vomit.

I returned to sit down, and Stephanie came to speak to me.

"My dear, you need to have faith in him," She said, knowing what troubled my soul.

I did not share the news with Avery and Linda, so they did not worry for me, but I was dying inside.

"What if he wants her back?" I said, tears almost streaming down my face, and Stephane pulled me in and held me.

"I won't allow it," she said, and I knew she had no power in that regard. Sylvester was lord. Was he going to make me share? What would I do? I was a mess.

"Have some tea and retire to bed. Lacy and I will handle the rest. Please try and sleep," Stephanie said, and I was too much of a mess to argue with her. I got up and left the hall.

I returned to my room, and Sylvester was there on his computer.

I did not speak to him. I just walked to the bathroom to freshen up.

I stood under the shower for minutes, deep in thought.

"We should be strong, Tamia. We should be ready," Kaira said, and I did not know how to feel about it. I never imagined that Susan would return, and I did not know what to do now that it was in four days.

"What if she decided to see him before the ball? Most of the participants are already arriving, Tamia. It can happen anytime," Kaira said, and I covered my mouth to cry.

I heard Sylvester enter the bathroom, and I shook from the sound of his entrance which snapped me out of my thoughts. I stopped crying immediately.

He got into the shower with me and held me from behind.

He kissed my shoulder, turned me around, and then turned off the water.

"Look at me, Tamia," He said gently, and I did not want to look up because he would know I was crying, and I wanted to be strong.

"Please look at me," He said, lifting my chin up. I looked at him.

"Please do not doubt my love. This should not bother you. She isn't even my fated, Tamia, and you are a wreck. I want to believe it is the hormones, but you need to keep it under control. I regret telling you, but I did not want you to be taken by surprise. Please, Tamia. I know your time with Leo scarred you, but I am nothing like him. I am a one-woman man, and you are my woman. Susan is my past; you are my present and future. Yes, she will want to see me and talk to me, but I promise I will not disappoint you. I won't do anything that would make you a laughing stock. I won't break your heart. I need you to cheer up. We have all been looking forward to this ball. Do not let Susan take away your joy, our joy. We have a lot to look forward to. Please do not let this hurt you. If you are worried about an ex-girlfriend, then I should be paranoid about an ex-fated," He said, and I giggled hearing him put it that way. I just hope he will be faithful to his words.

I placed my head against his chest, and he wrapped his arms around me and turned on the water.

"I want my green-eyed beauty back," he said, and I dug my nail into his skin.

"Tamia," he groaned in a sexy way, and I looked up at him.

He crashed his lips on mine and kissed me hungrily. His kiss said it all; he was mine and no one else's.

I wrapped my legs around him, eager for him to pound into me, and he did not disappoint.

We moved from the shower to the bed.

I had been distant for over a week. It was expected behaviour that he would ravage my body, and I liked it.

Sylvester made love to me, and I could feel his heart and intention with every passion and stroke.

I came twice before he released into me, but his dark eyes let me know the night was only beginning.

The day of the ball finally came, and I dressed in a cream dress to fit the event's mood.

Leo, Kyle and Max had changed their minds and decided they would attend.

I could only imagine Linda and Avery making an effort to look good.

I couldn't blame them. The men deserved the shock. I was counting on Leo to be civil. Devin was still not coming, so I would not have drama to deal with.

Sylvester was in the closet dressing up when there was a knock on the door.

I asked the person to come in, and Stephanie entered the room in an onyx dress.

She looked young and beautiful.

She could easily pass for Sylvester's older sister, and I wondered how Maurice could treat her so terribly, but I could also see why he couldn't let go.

She was a beauty. She held a jewellery box, smiled, and walked to me.

"You look beautiful, Tamia. You look like a goddess," She said, and I thanked her.


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