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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 8


The men dragged me all the way. My heart broke to see wounded and dead wolves on the ground.

What did Kyle do to doom our entire region? I wondered and fought the tears welling in my eyes.

The Dark Alpha was ruthless, and I now understood why people feared him.

I was dragged to the border between Mountain Pack and Valley hill pack. There I saw a massacre.

Warriors were killed. Looking at the casualties, I noticed only our wolves were killed. None of the northern wolves died.

It made me wonder who trained them and also made me dread the Dark Alpha.

Where was Devin? He was supposed to be in our region to help when something like this happened, but he was nowhere to be found.

I could not fathom the lives that were affected by this.

A white van was waiting, and the men dragging me opened the door and ordered me to get in.

I did what they said without question. My goal was to leave Leo; it wasn't to get killed.

After all I saw on our way, I made a conscious decision not to aggravate or irritate the northern soldiers.

I sat down, surprised to see the other people in the truck with me.

Someone hit the side of the truck twice, and the engine started.

"So he threw you to them, too?" Avery asked me, and I frowned at her, not understanding what she meant. I looked at Linda, and she didn't look pregnant.

"I mean, Leo gave you to them as a peace offering to the Dark Alpha so they can leave him and Amanda alone and spare his pack," Avery said, explaining her question, and I shook my head. She was surprised by my response.

"He didn't. He shifted and fought to protect us, but they overpowered him. They were going to kill him, so I asked them to take me," I said, and she was shocked.

"Are you out of your mind?" she asked, and I frowned.

"How can you make that sacrifice? You are a good warrior; you two would have stood a chance together," she said, and tears welled in my eyes, remembering the real reason I surrendered.

"I was tired of everything, Avery. I couldn't take it anymore." I told my friend, and tears streamed down her face.

"You should have stayed. However it was, you had it better than Linda and I. We would have given anything to remain if our husband didn't give us up as peace offerings. Whatever you were going through with Leo is better than being the Dark Alpha's trophy and slave. Leo cared for you and still gave you your respect. You said it yourself. Four nights in a week, Tamia, I rarely get one. His love is true. It is unfortunate that fate fucked you two up, but you should have fought beside him and stayed." She said, and I wiped away my tears and looked at her.

"He got her pregnant, Ave," I said and began to weep.

There was no point hiding my feelings. I had no shame to cover. It was best I bare it all for all to see.

"He took precautions with me for five years, telling me he wasn't ready, but he got her pregnant in months. I could not be the third wheel. They were already a family. Leo wouldn't have surrendered or given me up. He had proven it already. I had to do what was best for all of us. His heart was no longer in it. Everything he did was out of duty. Now he and Black are free to be with Amanda and live the lives they want. I will take my chances with the Dark Alpha. Nothing can hurt me as much as what fate did to me." I said, and Avery nodded and looked at Linda, who remained quiet all through.

"What is wrong with her?" I asked Avery, unable to link each other because of the silver chains in our hands.

"She has been quiet since I entered. Her pack was the first to go down. She lost the baby due to stress and malnutrition, and then Kyle pointed her as his luna and gave her away as a peace offering. Max did the same to me. He took his bitch to the shelter and asked me to stay and fight. When he noticed they were strong, he surrendered and gave me to them. If only these people knew we weren't the Lunas anymore, they would be mad," she said and smiled.

"Just like you, I believe life in captivity is freedom compared to where I am coming from," Avery said.

I leaned forward and touched Linda's lap gently. She snapped out of it and looked at me. Then she began to cry. Kyle had broken the woman in irreparable ways.

I went to sit next to her so she could rest her head on my shoulder. She did so and wept.

Linda did not utter a word, but Avery complained all through. We made some long stops, and I wondered what they stopped to do, but because we were not let down, we could not see or know what they were doing at the various stops.

Linda eventually fell asleep; gradually, sleep came for me too.

I felt someone tapping me, and I woke up. I found myself resting on Avery's shoulder; she was awake. I must have slept all through.

"They want us to get down," Avery said, and I looked around, a bit disoriented. Then I remembered what had happened.

The van door opened; Avery was the first to get out, followed by Linda and me.

I was shocked to see we were at a hangar, and a jet was waiting for us.

"Get in, Lunas, do not keep us waiting," a man said.


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