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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 83


The pink crescent moon on my thigh gave me so much joy. I felt intense pleasure while Sylvester sank his teeth into my skin. I felt a strong pull and a bond forming.

It was similar to a thick cord that I could almost tug. I felt lighter.

Having been claimed before, this was different. The euphoria was more enjoyable.

I looked at it, and Sylvester ran his finger along the skin, making me moan because of the tingles. He looked at me and smiled.

"Should we go all the way?" He asked me the very question I wanted to ask him.

I was about to say yes when I thought of our friends.

We tried to do everything together.

Avery already felt unfortunate because she was the only one that wasn't pregnant, and I remembered how I felt when Linda got pregnant. It would be wrong and insensitive to wear each other's marks before them.

"I know what you are thinking, darling," Sylvester said, pulling me close.

"You do not want to hurt them. I understand. We can wait. The blue moon is roughly six weeks away. After the tournament, we would just have two weeks to prepare and then that is it," He said and kissed me sweetly on my lips. I moaned, feeling his need for me.

"I doubt I would be able to control Knight, Tamia. He wants to claim you and Kaira badly, and now that we have done it partially, his need for you to wear our mark and us yours would grow. I hope you will be able to handle my love bites," He said, kissing my neck and grazing his teeth against the skin.

I was too much in need that all I could give was an inaudible moan saying


We cuddled in each other arms after. It was two in the morning. Glad we had no matches to play, we decided we would arrive at the sports arena late.

Sylvester's meeting with Leo was late in the afternoon. I wondered what Leo would want to discuss with Sylvester. I honestly wished I could be there. I would have to wait for Sylvester to tell me about the meeting.

Sylvester stroked my hair and my skin until I finally fell asleep.

I woke up in the morning with an intense need for pleasure. I did not know if it was the partial claim or my hormones, but the need was there.

Sylvester wasn't in the room, and I didn't bother to link him.

I went to freshen up and get ready for the day.

When I exited the bathroom, someone knocked on my door, and I went to answer to see who it was. To my surprise, it was Avery, and she was crying.

I gently let her into my room. Before closing my door, I looked around to see if anyone was in the passage.

I picked up a box of tissues and handed it to her. She thanked me and used it to wipe away her tears and blow her nose.

"What is the matter with you?" I asked her gently, and she looked at me with fresh tears.

"Oh, Tamia. I am sad," She complained.

"I was hoping we would get to do everything together. You know," She said and looked at my tummy, which was still flat, but I got the message.

"Linda is showing; she is four months gone; you are almost three months but look at me. I was hoping our children would be age mates. Maybe not the same month but the same year. So they will be close and tight like Marcel, Theo and Sylvester, but I still have nothing," She said and bowed.

"I have done everything. I have changed my diet; I even secretly tried fertility pills. I tried staying in bed after we made love; sometimes, I would hold my legs up so everything stays in there and gets to the right destination. We made love throughout my ovulation period last month, and I have been checking. I use the strip every day, and it is always negative. I don't know what to do, Tamia. It is hard for me. Nowadays, I get cranky and furious when Linda rubs her bump. Marcel says it is okay, but I want to have children, Tamia," She said and started crying. I went to console her.

"Why is it bothering you so much? The doctor said there was nothing wrong with you. Did it ever occur to you that it is taking time because you are stressing about it too much?" I asked her, and she shook her head, wiping away the tears still flowing.

"Why are you not confident this will happen for you, Avery?" I asked her, and she could not respond. So I touched her hand.

"It is okay to be impatient about something you want so much. But it isn't okay to work yourself into depression for it. Marcel loves you. He doesn't care about this; he is only trying because you want it now." I said and sighed, then chose to tell her a secret.

"Honestly, when we found out Linda was pregnant, I was jealous, I wished it was my news to give and not just hers, and I know you are feeling that way too, but just like it happened for me, it will happen for you too. I was pregnant without knowing." I said and sighed.

"Enjoy your time with Marcel. He is nothing like Max and will never be. You mean the world to him, and that means a lot. You are his centre. Children, for him, are an addition to the bond you already have. Do not put a strain on your love because of this. I know it will happen, but you have to enjoy every moment. Make love to your man because you want to share with him, love him, give him your all and be one with him, Not because you want a baby. Enjoy your time, and the reward will come." I said, and she wiped away her tears.

"Do you think I am stressing him out?" She said out of worry, and I shrugged.

"He might never say it, and I might be wrong, but everything you want and need matters to him. See what he did to Max on the field. He will do anything for you. Do not let this destroy your love," I said, and she hugged me and cried.

"I don't want to stress him out, Tamia. I love him so much that I want to have his babies. I want to have little me and him running about the place. That is why I want this so much." She said, and I understood her need.

She wanted the baby so much because, to her, that was the outlet that could express the strength of her love for him, evidence of their love, a reminder that they are united. I could understand her, but she needed to relax.

"Come on; we need to eat. " I said, and she looked at my tummy and giggled.

"You mean you need to eat," She said with an emphasis on you, and I squinted and smiled.

"What's with Glenda, by the way?" She said, and her mood was lifted.

"What do you mean?" I asked her, getting my clothes for the day. I opted to dress in front of her while we gossiped.

"I mean, she has been around Dominic like glue. She has been so nice. I don't get it." She said, and I laughed.

"Haven't you seen Katya?" I asked, and she widened her eyes with realisation.

"Oh, I get it now; oh my. Katya is gorgeous; she doesn't stand a chance," Avery laughed.

It was good to see her mood switch so quickly. She might be pregnant without knowing because of the hormonal display she gave me.

"You need to see her, Tamia. She is practically glued to him. She served him breakfast and whatnot. She hasn't said anything to aggravate anyone. I see she is on her toes," Avery said, laughing heartily.

Glenda's pain would be a pleasure, especially for me, because she was the one that encouraged Susan to come and get my man knowing that he wasn't available.


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