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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 85


Leo and I sat in the empty booth and spent at least one hour discussing Max and Kyle.

I was amazed to learn how oblivious he was of their activities, and I was amazed to learn how extremely democratic their system in the east was. Wolves needed one leader, one they would listen to and follow. They can only achieve a little when given ample freedom of choice. In a situation like that, people like Kyle and Max will get away with many atrocities as they already have. Wolves needed firm hands and definite action.

Leo wasn't weak, as I had thought initially, but his environment made him so.

Their democratic system was flawed, allowing people to meddle in other people's affairs without consequence.

If Kyle and Max had a say in whether Amanda should be in Leo's house, it was only natural they would vote for it because that was precisely what they were doing. There was no yardstick to measure moral compass or qualification to vote. It was chaos.

After he told me about Max and Kyle and how best to deal with them, we delved into other matters.

"I am of the notion that Kyle did not orchestrate the initial attack against Gad's borders," I said, wanting to know what he knew before I divulged my truth.

"He did say he did not do it, and honestly, I believe him. He isn't that smart to do something at that scale. I have been investigating the incident since the attack happened because I did not want Tamia's sacrifice to be in vain," he said and chuckled.

"Had I known she had gone to be where she would find love again, I wouldn't have been bothered. But I had this hope of finding the culprit and reporting the person to you, hoping you will give me back my wife," He said.

Referring to Tamia as his wife got to me, but I figured it was out of habit, so I let it be.

"And what did you find during your investigation?" I asked him, and he sighed.

"Well, Kyle's men defected and were working against him." He said, which corresponded with the information that we got too.

"Do you know who they were working with?" I asked him, and he shook his head.

"I am yet to find out, but I believe it is one of the eastern alphas because only someone very close to Kyle could do that magnitude of damage. We initially thought Devin did it to force us to join forces with him and attack the north, but when I spoke to Devin, I realised he just wanted to protect his people. He even believed you orchestrated to attack, so you will have a reason to come for us as punishment for going into alliance with the south," he said. I could not believe how these people viewed me.

"I guess that is why I am called the Dark Alpha," I said, and he smiled and nodded.

"You don't want to hear the stories told about you. They make you sound like a heartless monster that kills at will. Seeing Tamia's joy has changed my perspective of you completely. Tamia has a good heart, and for her to love you completely and deeply means you have a kind heart, too," he said, and I gave a half smile.

"I will take that as a compliment, Leo," I said, and he laughed.

He was comfortable enough for me to ask him a question.

"I see Amanda's father is an Alpha, and Tamia told me that is why I got lucky with her. If Amanda wasn't an alpha's daughter, they wouldn't have forced Amanda into your home," I said, and I could tell the memory was painful for him, and he shook his head.

"I made a silly mistake," he said and sighed.

"Finding a fated was so rare that I was excited that I found mine. Instead of rejecting her as you did, I allowed room for conversation and let the bond thrive.

It thrived enough for me to kiss her and make out with her. In the process, her dress got ripped, but I did not do anything with her or accept her.

I planned to reject her, but I feared the weakness that came with it. So I tried to be passive.

I wanted to ignore her until she gave up and moved away.

I was unfortunate because she told her father I had accepted and taken her. So they fought me to get her into my home.

Ramsey asked me a couple of times, then threatened me. When that didn't work, he began soliciting alphas to help him go to war against me. He claimed I defiled his daughter, so a meeting was called, and I was given a week to take her in, or they would come for me.

By then, my marriage with Tamia was rocky. She had already given up on us, and my wolf did not want Tamia, and she knew it, so I let Amanda stay in my house.

I ignored her for a while, and one night, my wolf, overwhelmed by the bond and Amanda's scent, took over while I was sleeping and took me to Amanda's room to claim her. I did not know what had happened until we had claimed each other; by then, it was too late, and there was no going back," he said, and his eyes were teary.

"Black never betrayed me before, but he betrayed me that night. He let the mate bond overcome us, knocked me out and took over my body to claim his mate. When I found out what had happened, I had to accept it and live with it," he said and bowed his head.

"I did not want to let her go," he said and began to weep again.

The man was broken, and I doubted anything would put him back together.

"I am willing to let you continue your friendship with Tamia," I blurted out, and he looked at me in shock and wiped away his tears.


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