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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 88


I was having the nightmare again. The very dream that plagued my sleep and reminded me of my pain. It was the first night Max beat Mia. I felt the chain and the silver, the command and the pain.


Max had stayed out all night, and I felt pain all through the night.

I did not need anyone to tell me what was happening. I knew he had gotten intimate with someone behind my back. I did not know why and was determined to find out when he returned.

I sat in bed and wept. I was mad at him and waited for him to return home.

He did not come home until noon the next day. By then, I had body pains and a terrible headache caused by his actions.

He walked into our home and did not say a word to me.

Our eyes met, and he looked away immediately.

I could see the guilt in his eyes, and he knew that I knew.

He did not speak. Instead, he walked away immediately.

I was mad. So I followed him. My head hurt, and my body ached, but I refused to be disrespected.

"Where were you?" I asked, and he was taking off his shirt.

He did not say anything. He took off his shirt and placed the shirt in a laundry bin.

"Max... Maxwell!" I asked, feeling insulted, and he sighed. He turned to look at me and sat at the foot of the bed.

"I am sorry, Ave. I am so sorry," he said, and I got pissed.

"Is that what you have to say for yourself?" I asked him, and he bowed his head.

"What do you want me to say, Ave? You know I fucked up last night," he said, close to tears.

"I had no control over it," he said and looked at me.

His tears fell freely, and it broke my heart because the pain was registered in his eyes.

"Control over what?" I asked him, and he shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose between his eyes.

"I have screwed up, Ave; I am finished," he said, and I did not know what to tell him. I began to suspect it was an act to take me away from the fact that he was with someone all through the night.

"What happened last night? Why didn't you come home?" I asked him, and he looked at me and bowed his head again.

"I found my fated, Ave; I found her," he said, and his words were like a moving truck.

It hit me, and I moved back until my back was against the wall.

I was instantly overcome with fear, anger and confusion. My eyes welled up with tears, and my hands began to shake.

"No, no, no, no," I said, more to myself than to him.

This was not supposed to happen to me.

This was an impossible situation. No one had a fated in our pack. We knew it was impossible. That was why no one bothered and just named a chosen and claimed them during the blue moon. Why was I an exception?

"No!" I cried, knowing what would happen.

Max had fucked her all through the night; I believed we were past debating what he would do now. I believed he had accepted her.

"Why?" I asked him, and he did not answer.

"If you love me, you will reject her," I said, trying my luck, but my voice held no conviction.

I was hopeful, but I wasn't sure.

He was my alpha; I was connected to him. If he accepts her, I know he won't reject me. Where will I go to? How will I survive?

"You are my husband, my mate, Maxwell. After all that we have been through together, you have to reject her. Prove to me that I matter to you, and let her go. I will support and carry you. I have been by your side for a long time, Max," I said, not knowing what to say again.

I was out of words.

"But I have touched her. I didn't want to, but Echo didn't give me a chance," he said, and Mia growled in my head, feeling betrayed by Echo.

I wept, and soon he came to sit with me on the floor.

He touched my hand and asked me to look into his eyes.

"I accepted her, Ave," he said, and my heart broke.

"She is moving in today," he said, and my hand began to shake seriously, my heart racing and beating against my chest. I was sweating, and my stomach churned. I wanted to throw up.

"I have claimed her, and she is coming. I had no choice. Echo sank his teeth in before I could stop..." he said, and I slapped him. I hit him with all my might. He did not do anything, and I hit him repeatedly until I began to cry.

He held me without saying a word, but I felt alone in those moments. I knew my life was over.

"Set me free," I said, looking at him, and he shook his head.

"Set me free!!!" I yelled and moved away from him. I was enraged.

"Let me go, Max! I did not care for the weakness; I want to go and find another mate!" I yelled at him.

"Snap out of it!" he yelled, and I looked at him. He had fear in his eyes. That was the first time he would yell at me.

"You were hysterical. I needed you to calm down," he said, pulling me into his arms.

"I am sorry, my love. I am so sorry, but I can't set you free. I can't bear losing you. Fate has fucked our union up but let us try to make it work. Please," he said, but he also knew I had no choice.

If he did not set me free, I couldn't leave. No one would take me in. The ball was actually in his court, and he had stylishly told me he wouldn't let me go.

Max held me, and I wept in his arms.

"You are my Luna, Ave; you will always be Luna, and Michelle has no choice but to respect and serve you. I have told her, and she is okay with it. I know this will work," he said, and I could not believe how delusional he was. What made him think a woman he was fucking would be subservient to me?

Michelle moved into our home. She was nice at first, and Max could not leave her bed.

I listened to them most of the time.


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