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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 160

Chapter 160

Corinne went on to say, “Honestly, you’ve never believed in me at all! You asked Tommy to make arrangements for my job just so you could keep me in a place that you can control. That way, you can always know what I’m doing and whether I cheated on you, right?”

Jeremy stared at her with a dark and gloomy gaze. For the time being at least, he was noncommittal over her remark.

“I’m just a passer by who will exist for only three months in your magnificent life, Mister. Please don’t try to control me! If you don’t believe in me, I can always swear to you!”

After saying that, Corinne raised her hand firmly and vowed, “I, Corinne, swear to God almighty, that I’ll never do anything out of line and cheat on Mister Jeremy Holden. May lightning strike me and kill me if I go back on my promise!” After swearing categorically, she placed her hand down and headed for the direction of the door.

Just as she put her hand on the doorknob and opened it, Jeremy’s big palm pushed it shut from behind.

“Did I say you could leave?”

Corinne frowned. ‘What else does he want from me now that I’ve sworn to uphold my promise to him?’ She said angrily, “Aren’t we don’t yet? Don’t be such a jealous little wimp!”

‘Jealous little…wimp? Jeremy frowned coldly as if he heard the most ridiculous and inane sentence ever. He then leaned close to her ear and chuckled softly. “Me? Jealous? Do you think I’ll get jealous because of you? In my eyes, you’re just a kid who’s still wet behind the ears!”

“But you’re a big grown man to me!” Corinne yelled out in anger, but she soon realized that it sounded wanted to take it back. Alas, there were no take-backs when it came to one’s words.

If all else failed, she just had to retreat.


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