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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 161

Chapter 161

Jeremy’s eyes darkened even more when he thought of how he would lose the right to control her in another two months and seven days. She would then be able to have a relationship with other men and be intimate with them.

‘Out of the question he thought to himself.

Corinne could not break free after he pressed her against the door, making her feel both flustered and angry After waiting for a long time for the man to say something, she became a little impatient and said with a frown, “If you have something to say to me, could you at least get your hands off me? I’m leaving if you have nothing else to s-mgh!’”

The man leaned over suddenly, and he parted her thin lips with his tongue while dominating her mouth with his lips.

Corinne’s mind went blank, and she widened her eyes to confirm whether that was actually happening.

Jeremy’s handsome face was millimeters away from hers, and he was kissing her forcefully and aggressively.

‘What’s going on? When Corinne finally came to her senses, she felt offended and annoyed. She raised her hands and pushed against the man’s chest, but rather than succeed in pushing him away, he began to kiss her ever more passionately as he wrapped one hand around her waist while clasping the back of her head with his other hand.

He was skilled at kissing, and his charm was truly top-notch. Slowly but surely, she became a little muddle-headed and reciprocated uneasily as her small hands clutched his suit lapels.

Sometime later, their lips finally parted ways, and they stared briefly at each other. Both of them were panting slightly, and their breaths were all tangled together.

Jeremy saw how she looked as frightened as a deer in headlights and felt rather amused by how pitiful she looked. A slight smile appeared on his face, and his big hand rubbed her hair in a bullying manner as he said in a stern voice, “Don’t call other men.”

Corinne blushed, and it was hard to tell whether she was blushing from anger or shame. She took a step back to avoid being touched and raised her arm to wipe her mouth. Her tone was resentful as she said, “I get it, okay? You didn’t need to do that to warn me!”

“You’re still not allowed to call other men once the three months are up,” Jeremy added, and his tone was inexplicably gentle then.

Corinne’s heart skipped a beat as she looked at him in surprise. “Why not?”


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