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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 206

Chapter 206

For the next couple of minutes, Sunny told Rosie how Corinne saved him at Lunar Century Manor. Still, Rosie could not understand Sunny’s new sentiment toward Corinne.

“So you’re saying you’re betraying me because Corinne won a game for you?”

Sunny shook his head. “Of course I won’t betray you. I just think Corinne isn’t a bad person after all

“Sunny, you’ve disappointed me.” Rosie stood up and limped her way out of the room.

Sunny furrowed his eyebrows and remained rooted, his mind torn by the conflicted thoughts

about the situation.

Under the parasol.

Corinne was forced to sit on Jeremy’s lap while he applied antiallergic cream to her skin. Meanwhile, the anxious-looking doctor stood by, his body slightly slouching with a bottle of medicine in his hand.

Jeremy’s slender, calloused fingers were holding a medical cotton swab. He dipped into the antiallergic cream and applied it on Corinne’s purplish earlobe. After that, he grabbed her hand. and applied the cream to the rashes on her palm.

It tickled her slightly, and she instinctively wanted to pull her hand back when Jeremy said sternly,

Don’t move.”

Corinne reluctantly relented. Jeremy meant well and did it for her good. If she insisted on rejecting him, it would look like she was taking good for evil.

In fact, she could not reject him either. Jeremy was so strong that he was grasping her tightly, and she could not even struggle. Without a choice, she endured the ticklish feeling and allowed. Jeremy to apply the cream to her palm.

After that, he took the antiallergic medicine from the doctor and brought it in front of her while holding another glass of water with his other hand.

Corinne frowned. “I don’t want to take the medicine. The rashes will disappear after two days.”

Jeremy furrowed his eyebrows and said sternly, “Be a good girl.”

Never in Corinne’s life had someone been this domineering to her, and she hated this. Angrily, she took the pills, popped them into her mouth, and drank a mouthful of water to flush the medicines down her throat. Jeremy finally let her go afterward.


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