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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 207

Chapter 207

Annie giggled and nodded. “Yes, I’ve eaten. You don’t have to worry about me!”

Jeremy narrowed his eyes in displeasure. “Then why are you still here?”

Annie was dumbstruck before a chuckle escaped her. “Oh, I get it! I’m going to stay out of the way and not be a third-wheeler. Bye! I’m going to go see if my little pony has grown!”

Once Annie ran off, a spoonful of soup was brought to Corinne’s lips. She looked down at the soup, then back at Jeremy with a frown. “Mister, do we need to act like a loving couple in front of Annie?”

She thought he was acting?

Jeremy’s eyes turned cold, and the gentleness that rarely appeared in his eyes froze. “Just drink your soup.”

Corinne was baffled. Nonetheless, she parted her lips and drank the soup while internally whining,” He’s such a moody man!”

As she was drinking the soup, she heard Jeremy call her name sternly, “Corinne.”

“Yeah?” Corinne looked at him, waiting for him to say what was on his mind.

Jeremy gazed into her eyes solemnly. After being silent for one minute, he said, “Remember this: ‘you don’t have to prove anything to anyone in the future, especially if such methods involve

hurting yourself.”

Corinne was puzzled by this. “What about when others try to frame me? Can’t I prove myself innocent?”

Jeremy said, “No matter what situation you are in, I’ll believe in you unconditionally. You don’t have to prove you’re innocent to anyone else. To me, you’re always innocent. Do you understand?”

This struck Corinne hard, and her heart pounded like a drum. ‘Why is he saying this like he’s promising me something? How sudden.”

Another spoon of soup was brought to her lips, but she shook her head. “I’m full.”

Jeremy did not force her to finish the soup since she was full. He instead brought the spoon to his lips and drank the soup.


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