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The Deserted Alpha Princess novel Chapter 3

Kevin's POV:

Jennifer's tone was calm, and there was a happy smile on her face. I, on the other hand, felt like I was struck by thunder. At this moment, her smile was too dazzling for me to look at.-

What was she talking about? How could she be the daughter of the decreased Alpha Lewis Smith of the Rainbow Pack? Wasn't she just a lowly slave? How could a slave be from an Alpha bloodline?

My wolf screamed painfully in my mind, "You idiot! How could you reject a mate with Alpha bloodline?"

"Rainbow Pack already has a new Alpha. This girl is just a lowly slave now. She doesn't deserve to be my Luna at all. It was right for me to reject her," I stubbornly told my wolf. But then why did I feel anger rising within me?

"You are such an idiot. You're regretting it now, right?" my wolf taunted.

"Damn it! Shut up!" I told him.

Regretting it? I was the future Alpha. All the she -wolves in the pack would die for a chance to be with me. Why would I regret rejecting a slave? It made no sense.

"Can I leave now?" Jennifer asked, interrupting my thoughts with a smile.

There was obvious disdain and impatience in her eyes.

I wanted to grab her and fuck her violently to punish her for her rudeness. But the mocking eyes of this bitch was too annoying to look at for even a moment longer.

"Fuck off!" I snarled.

Jennifer shrugged and walked out of the bathroom without looking back. It seemed that she had no intention of staying at all. In fact, she avoided me like the plague.

Despite that, looking at her slim and graceful back made my desire increase. With no way to vent it, I roared and punched the wall.

Anger was threatening to burst out of me.

How could that bitch be so indifferent towards me? I couldn't accept it at all!

Barbara's POV:

That bitch, Jennifer, interrupted me and Kevin while we were having sex. What was worse, Kevin seemed to be interested in her. How could I take such an insult?

I had the noble Beta bloodline, and I had grown up with Kevin. I had already made up my mind that I would be his Luna one day.

Alpha Norman always treated me well. If I complained to him about Jennifer, he would punish that bitch for sure.

Thinking of that, I quickly rushed to his office. Just before I entered, I gathered all the aggrieved emotions that I had and squeezed out a few tears. Then, I walked in with a pitiful face.

"Barbara, what's wrong? Why are you crying? Who bullied you?" Alpha Norman asked with concern.

"It's nothing," I mumbled, lowering my head respectfully. "I'm sorry to worry you like this."

"Who bullied you? Don't be afraid to tell me. Whoever it is, I'll teach them a lesson!" Alpha Norman stood up and gently touched my head.

"It's... Jennifer." As I said her name, tears welled up in my red eyes. "She stole my pearl necklace yesterday. I asked her to give it back to me, but she refused, and even said that she wouldn't mind fighting me for it. I finally managed to get the necklace back, but she threatened me and almost slapped me! And what's worse, she even seduced Kevin. She told me that she's the only one who's qualified to be his mate..."

I paused, as if I couldn't bear to go on.

Chapter 3 The Trials 1

Chapter 3 The Trials 2


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