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The Deserted Alpha Princess novel Chapter 6

Anthony's POV:

When Jennifer's body tilted to the side, I couldn't help reaching out to catch her.

As soon as she fell in my arms, my heart throbbed with concern. Her body was covered with blood and mud, but strangely, I didn't find her dirty at all.

When coming to the Dark River Pack, I never imagined that I would meet my mate here. Today, I had seen her for the first time at the welcome ceremony. Although she was wearing old and torn rags, her beauty could not be concealed. The fragrance of mate bond coming from her hit me like a brick, knocking the breath out of me. My heart beat violently the moment I laid eyes on her.

However, I was careful not to show any reaction. After all, it was a public occasion, and there were many eyes on me.

To my surprise, however, Jennifer's reaction was also calm and collected. If any other she-wolf had realized that I was their mate, they would have been so excited that they would have jumped up on the spot and shouted it to everyone.

Therefore, I was very satisfied with Jennifer's reaction. Being from the royal family, I had seen a lot of beautiful she-wolves before, but not only was my mate beautiful, she was also smart, rational, and self-conscious. She had all the qualities that I liked and appreciated.

Therefore, she would make an ideal partner.

In fact, I had never been interested in finding my mate. A mate was just a weakness that my enemies could take advantage of. I had something important to do, and I couldn't let a mate hold me back. However, my mother's biggest wish was for me to find my mate. Ever since my father died in battle, my mother was in poor health because she couldn't take the loss. Recently, her condition had worsened. No one knew how long she would be able to hold on.

Now that I found my mate, I couldn't let my mother die with regret. I needed Jennifer's help to appease my mother. But it would just be a favor that she would be doing me. I figured that I could talk to her about the situation and ask for her opinion. Even if we wouldn't be mates in the future, Jennifer would still...

"Anthony, you obviously like her. Don't restrain yourself. This is a mate bond. It's not something you can control," Zane, my wolf, shouted excitedly in my mind, interrupting my line of thought.

"I don't want a mate," I told him sternly.

"Things are different now. You have feelings for her. Don't try to deny it. And stop using your mother as an excuse."

"I don't have feelings for her."

"Fine! Then at least accept her for the sake of your mother and me. Accept our mate!"

"Do you like her?" I asked curiously.

"Of course! When was the last time we saw such a strong-willed girl? She is also good at fighting.

She doesn't look like an ordinary werewolf. And just now, I saw the determination in her eyes. She wants to be stronger. She is a perfect mate for you."

I couldn't deny that Zane was right. Jennifer's abilities were indeed extraordinary. With the right training, she would become a force to be reckoned with. That was why I decided to make an exception and let her participate in the trials.

I looked down at Jennifer, who was lying unconscious in my arms. I had never held a girl in my arms like this before. I was not used to it, so I handed her to a servant behind me.

"Take her to her residence."

The next morning, I arrived at the trial just when it was about to begin.

I glanced around eagerly to find Jennifer, but there was no sign of her.

Yesterday, it seemed that she attached great importance to the trials, so it did not make sense for her to not show up. Was it because she was badly injured yesterday that she couldn't come on time?

Everyone was looking at me, waiting for me to announce the start of the trials.

I cleared my throat and said, "The trial is delayed. Let's wait until everyone is here."


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