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The Devil's Love For The Heiress novel Chapter 34

Chapter 34: Manuel’s Last Will? 

Kate: (I miss you already) Reading Kate’s text made Carlos smile.

Carlos was in his New York penthouse, ready to leave for his meeting with Officer Baker. The other day, when he left, he gave Kate a secured phone, and the same gadget already had his new number saved.

Before taking the lift, he took the chance to send Kate a text back: (I miss you too. I’ll be back before you know it.)

The sound of the elevator doors opening caught his attention. His eyes landed on Lemuel, his head of his security. “Sir, this way,” Lemuel said, guiding him to the back entrance of his penthouse building

“Have you added bodyguards to follow Kate around?” Carlos asked.

Lemuel cleared his throat and replied, “Sir, um. Miss Wright has six soldiers following her around. She doesn’t even realize it. Plus the two we have commissioned from the security agency, she now has eight protectors.” “Good,” said Carlos. “Nothing is more important to me than Kate.”

“Understood, Sir,” Lemuel acknowledged.

Oliver was already inside the luxury vehicle when Carlos hopped in. They discussed his sponsorship contracts and identified which ones are ending and which ones to renew. Carlos was about to launch his own brand and had to ensure he did not clash with his sponsors. After all, they were his more significant income provider.

Aster an hour of driving through the city, Carlos arrived at his destination, The Police Headquarters. They went to the back entrance, as usual, and made their way to the private office of officer Baker. “Mister Ronaldo, please take a seat,” said the police officer, his hand referring to the chair in front of him.

“What was so urgent that you had to see me?” Carlos asked.

When officer baker sat back in his chair, he said, “First of all. We wanted to update you on our ongoing operation.”

“We found the last link to the Bonnet gang, which happens to be Hugo’s illegitimate son. We captured one man who posed as a nurse at the hospital where we announced your admission back in France. He tried to inject something in Gabin’s -”

“Is Gabin okay?” Carlos asked, referring to his police double. He knew that in most hours, Gabin was the one sleeping in the hospital bed, pretending to be him. “Yes, the IV was never inserted into him in the first place,” Officer Baker replied. “So anyway, it was from that same man where we discovered another lead. As of now, we are collecting pieces of evidence to incriminate Hugo’s son, Gulllaume Bonnet.”

“So, for now, please bave your security team with you. In fact, you will go back with two of our

best officers to post as part of your bodyguards,” said Mister Baker. “Avoid contact with close friends and families, at least, avoid public meetings. It’s our best bet of keeping your loved ones safe.” Seeing the dismayed look on Carlos’ face, officer Baker added, “I’m sorry, Mister Ronaldo, but you knew what you got yourself into, right? Besides, your sacrifices paid off. We not only caught Hugo Bonnet admitting he was responsible for your father’s death, but we also found pieces of evidence that connect him to your father.” He took out some documents from his desk and said, “Some of these will be submitted to evidence, so I can’t give you everything, but the important once you will definitely have.” Mister Baker started with one legal document. He asked, “Have you ever seen this document, Mister Ronaldo?”


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