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The Devil's Love For The Heiress novel Chapter 35

Chapter 35: 

Hailey’s Chance “We think… your father may be alive”

The words that left officer Baker’s lips echoed in Carlos’ head. He did not know for how long he sat there, thinking. Ilis mind wandered back to his father’s wake Carlos recalled how his mother never let him sec Manuel’s lace because of his father’s injuries. He felt a headache coming his way, Irying to identify those who peered inside his father’s coffin.

The accident that resulted in his father’s death was a head on collision with a truck and resulted in a fire, barely recognizing the bodies of both vehicle drivers,

‘Uncle Ethan and aunt Sam, I’m sure they had a look,’ Carlos thought. Then, Carlos’s voice came through with the recollection of how the police went to his mother about the accident. He stammered into his reply, “I think… the police identified him properly. I remember how, aside from his private things, there was a DNA test done.”

“Teeth. I already checked,” said officer Baker. “They identified your father’s DNA through his teeth.”

“I prepared the findings of your father’s death for your reference,” the police officer said. “It says there, your mother failed to order a DNA test ahead before his body was embalmed, but since there were teeth pieces in the crash site, they matched it to your father’s.” “I can’t blame your mother, though. She must have been so broken-hearted. Sometimes, loved ones find it hard to decide on such matters. They tend to be more focused on their grief.”

Carlos fell silent again. He massaged his jaws and said, “If my father is alive, I see no reason for him to hide and deprive us of his presence. He – he loved my mother so much. They were so in love that my mother fell sick. She became depressed and followed him to death.”

“Unless there is a reason for that too,” said officer Baker. “Anyway, Mister Ronaldo. I could be wrong. Signature analysis is not a hundred percent reliable, considering we only had a few samples of your father’s signatures to compare it to.” “It’s just that this discovery of how this signature matches your father’s just… baffles me,” he added.

“This could be a case of forgery too, a good one at that,” Carlos suggested. The officer nodded but still countered, saying, “Yes, but we tested it. You are right. If it’s a forgery, it’s a perfect one.”

Carlos walked out of the police headquarters with many questions in his head. He was already prepared to have his father’s body exhumed should it come to that.

Police officer Baker promised, however, they would dig deeper. They meant to ask Hugo Bonnet about how he made the will and interrogate his men about it, too. He certainly hoped the answers to his questions would be answered soon.


“Wow,” Alexander exclaimed, looking at the stock certificates. He looked at Carlos and asked,” Are you going to sell these stocks?” “Hello? Earth to The Devil?” Alexander asked again, seeing how Carlos’ mind was elsewhere.

Carlos was leaning on the sofa of Alexander’s living room, his hand covering his jaws, his eyes not looking in a specific direction. When he heard his friend call for him, he asked, “I’m sorry. What?”

“I asked if you were going to sell these stocks?” Alexander repeated.

“I came to you for that reason, Alexander. I trust you with this,” Carlos said. Alexander had helped Carlos in trading over the past years. That was how he doubled a few of his earnings. Alexander was very good at both forex and cryptocurrency trading. Alexander checked his phone, searching for the recent stock market prices. He described,” Well, all these corporations are good. Even if some of these companies have erratic fluctuations, if you sell any of these, you won’t lose any money because your dad bought them at a time when stock prices were much lower.”

“Your father bought A-m-a-2-0-n stocks for twenty dollars? But today, it now costs a hundred thirty-four dollars. Tesla is the biggest win so far. Your father bought them at around fifty dollars, but now each stock costs nine hundred dollars. Bam!”

Alexander banged his head like a rockstar, saying, “Amazing!” “Carlos, I know that our lives, especially yours, had been held up because of this police operation we got ourselves into, but many things came to light. You found your father’s murderer, and you learned that he was not the irresponsible husband and father others claimed him to be,” Alexander added. With a long sigh, Carlos nodded. How could he forget how his father’s old friends had looked down on him after his death, claiming he wasn’t the role model many thought he was. He said, “I know. I have no regrets. At least I know now that my father never forgot about my future.”

“And potentially? He is alive?” Alexander asked.

“I don’t know, nor do I want to get my hopes up for a mere signature comparison,” Carlos


While the two good friends were discussing what to do with the stocks in Manuel Ronaldo’s nane, Kendra, Alexander’s girlfriend, was up in one room, calling a dear friend.

Kendra was Alexander’s girlfriend of three years. Alexander fell in love with Kendra at first Siglu shie was a model and a jewelry entrepreneur with red hair and a slender body. Taking part in Carlos’ out aslonal celebration party, she became acquainted with Hailey Mckenzie, and thal was how they set alle pood Inends


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