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The Devil's Love For The Heiress novel Chapter 37

Chapter 37: 

All My Love To Kate II’m sorry, Kale. Don’t worry, (veryone will know that you are my girlfriend when this is all over. Have food sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow morninu. I love yoll, and I miss you loribly ! Carlos replied to Kate’s text while the dinim me Alexander’s 110

for over an hour now, Carlos, Alexander, llc koncr. l. ‘njoying: Iliciral while occasionally drinking red wine. They challebont him previous lois Inachis while sometimes talking about the other players, Kendall so injecte conversions about models dating tennis players, allowing her to be loroughly part of the discussion

Kendra picked up the bottle of wine from the ice buckend poured the remaining contents into Carlos’ and Alexander’s glass. Alter which she said, “Oops! Looks like we need refill,


Carlos checked the time and said, “Nali, I think it’s time for me to jo”

“Go? Oh, my god, Carlos. It has been so lon since we und so much fun, don’t you rec” Kendra asked, winking at Carlos. “Come on! Sl.y! When will next time be?” Turning to her boyfriend, she asked, “Right, Alex?”.

“Yeah, man. Breaks are rare, and you got one because the French Open finals were postponed,” Alexander encouraged. “Stay! I have a guest room for you to sleep in. You know, you are always welcome here.”

“Lemuel and your other bodyguards can share the guestroom near to my ”

“Um, no. actually, babe. My things are there,” Kendra interrupted. “Lemuel and the bodyguards can stay in the third guest room, near the kitchen.” “Well, not all of them will sleep,” Carlos revealed. “Drake and Rey had just taken their shift, so they will be up all night.” Rechecking his watch, Carlos added, “Tred will be on standby in the car until Lemuel gets some good sleep.” “Wow!” Kendra remarked, but while she acted impressed, she silently contemplated if it was necessary to put Lemuel to sleep too. She at least had some sleeping pills in her bag

Alexander and Kendra continued to convince Carlos until he finally gave in, saying, “Fine, but I’ll leave before sunrise. I have a flight to catch in the morning.”

“No problem!” Kendra said, winking, “Let me just get more wine!”

In the kitchen, Kendra made it appear as though she prepared additional three wine glasses for each of them, but in reality, she meant to drug the glass intended for Carlos,

Kendra was tapping on a capsule, making sure every content fell on Carlos’ glass when suddenly, she heard a male’s voice, which startled her. She wound up dropping the capsule on the floor as she hastily turned to find out who it was.

“Excuse me, ma’am. Mister Jenkins said I could get a beer?” It was Lemuel.

Carlos’ head of security was said to be a decorated former marine who previously served politicians as a lead bodyguard. Carlos was lucky to get Lemuel, but Kendra did not like him one bit

In response to Lemuel, she pointed to the fridge, saying, “Um, yeah. It’s in the fridge. Help

yourself and get some for your colleagues too.” Kendra then frantically looked down in search of the empty capsule. When she did not find it she resolved, thinking it had rolled somewhere out of sight. She left the kitchen without minding Carlos’ head of security.

Making it back, Kendra sighed. It did not seem to her that Lemuel noticed, especially since he walked past them, carrying four cans of beer. A happy smile became plastered on her face as she handed Carlos his glass. “Here, this is yours.”


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