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The Devil's Love For The Heiress novel Chapter 36

Chapter 36:

Secret Relationship “Miss Mckenzie, what do you have to say about the statement that Carlos Ronaklo’s party released? According to his statement, you are not in a relationship,” the news reporter could be seen on TV asking: Ilaley is she walked to the airport in Paris.

Kale watched the news while having lunch with her colleagues al CSKApparel. She narrowed her eyes at the sight of Hailey and waited for her reply. She thought, ‘You better icll the truth, Hailey’

“I’m sure there is a reason for his denial. This is just a misunderstanding: Everything will be cleared up very soon. You’ll see.” Hailey smiled and said, “Thank you. I need to catch my flight and return to New York”

Kate’s lips twitched in irritation. She thought, ‘llow dare she?’

“Wonder why Mister Ronaldo denied their relationship. Weren’t they always seen together?” Linsey, Kate’s marketing associate, said,

Molly, their store manager, replied, “Yes. Even during his early tennis career. Maybe they are going through a rough patch. Every couple does.”

They were all seated at the same table, and Kale could not help but want to clear the misunderstanding She declared, “They were seen together, as in walking together, right?

Attending events together? But were they ever holding hands? Or kissing: in public?”

“I never heard The Devil confirm about being in any relationship” kate scoffed and said,” Maybe Hailey is just claiming to be in a relationship with Car I mean, Mister Ronaldo.”

Kate sighed. How she wanted to announce to the world that she was Carlos’ girlfriend, However, there were two things she had to keep in mind. One, the Bonnet Gang, or whatever is left of them, may sull be after Carlos. He specifically instructed her not to reveal their relationship to keep herself sale Thus, currently, they are in a secret relationship. Second, should there be an announcement about their relationship, she most certainly wanted it to come from Carlos,

“I don’t know, Kite li just makes sense that they are together because he used to be managed by beraber, “Molly said “I have read any articles about them and honestly believe they are a couple

They are not together PERIOD” Another scoff left Kate’s lips, and she said, “Besides, I’m be Mister kunaldo has a better laste

“Ik your Molly na nakatually she laughwd and added, “Sorry, Kate, but I clearly w how you raised your browsering Halay on the news You clearly have this animosity towards

How can tot This was the same woman who made Carlos think I was on a date with Tyler durile amirent brutay’ Kavadinlerse, but in response to Molly, she alire. “I Wiley Wir wie lases in the wol”

Sur le ww ws and

has a history of telling them.”

” O pera,” Mulby retorted, painting anget a kile “You were one of those whoolmates of Haley Mister Ronaldo a ntightwool wito wished they had their hands on the Devil!


“Excuse me?” Kate asked in shock. ‘I have had my hands on The Devil! More than you can imagine!

“I’m sorry, but I followed this romance thing going on between Hailey and Mister Ronaldo. So I am a firm believer that they are together,” Molly insisted.

“Have you actually seen them together?” Kate shot back.

“Well, she was here during our meeting over a month ago, remember? And they left together? They did not even join our dinner,” Molly pointed. “They probably stayed in the hotel room and had got it on.”

“No, they did not!” Kate insisted, making Molly and Linsay lean back at how she raised her voice.

“Geez, miss Kate. You sure are into Mister Ronaldo.” Linsey laughed. She said, “Don’t worry, you’re not the only one. Haha! Love him too!”


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