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The Devil's Love For The Heiress novel Chapter 41

Chapter 41:

Banana or Eggplant “Are you okay?” Carlos asked, seeing his girlfriend struggle to walk. He was holding her hand, but eventually, he circled his arm around Kate’s waist as support. “Can you walk?”

“I’m fine. My knees are still a little wobbly,” Kate revealed. She did not know why. Perhaps it was because they ended their love-making with her on top or that she used her strength to wrap her legs around Carlos when he arrived. Or maybe she was still on cloud nine that her knees turned weak

Carlos had to assist her as they entered the dining room of her home. Upon turning up, she smiled, seeing her brothers, Kaleb and Kyle, were also there. Her sister-in-law, Gaby, was present too.

“Gaby!” Kate waved happily at her sister-in-law, and Gaby waved back.

From where she stood, Kate could see how Gaby mouthed, ‘We need to talk, girl!’ It made Kate giggle. She knew precisely what Gaby wanted to find out.

Soon her eyes landed on her sister. Kenzie, Kate’s older sister, and Kyle’s twin, looked more like Samantha. She had golden and wavy hair with blue eyes. Kenzie was the one who first got married among the siblings.

Kenzie had that massive smile on her face. She turned to Ethan before pointing at Kate, saying, “Look, dad! Kate is limping!”

When Ethan did not look in Kate’s way, Kenzie repeated, “Dad! Look, Kate is limping! Hello?”

Gaby giggled in her seat while the men at the table gave varied expressions. Carlos, on the other hand, formed beads of sweat on his forehead.

In response to her sister, Kate rebutted, “Kenzie! I am not.”

“Yes, you are!”Kenzie answered back. She suggested to her father, “Dad, you should interrogate Carlos. Bring him to the military camp and have him take a polygraph test!”

Kate, “.”

Carlos, “???”

Samantha laughed thoroughly while Ethan just shook his head.

“What nonsense are you spouting, Kenzie?” Kate demanded. She and Carlos were still standing in front of the dining table, countering Kenzie’s suggestions.

“Mom? Dad? Are you not going to do anything? Kate obviously had sex,”Kenzie pointed out, and Kate turned bright red altogether.

“Stop it, Kenzie!” Kate warned. “Seriously? Does my face spelled like I had sex all over?”

“Yes,” Samantha, Gaby, Kaleb, and Kenzie answered almost’ simultaneously.

“You have that… sex glow,” Kenzie suggested.

“I am that obvious?” Kate asked herself, feeling her ears burn. Laughter filled the air. Gaby and Kenzie replied, “Yes, you are that obvious.”

“Oh, my god! Did I say that out loud?” Kate probed, her hand covering her mouth from the shock. She thought she spoke in her mind, but in the end, she told on herself!

“Wasn’t that why you went to Carlos in the first place?” Samantha followed.

Ethan gave no reaction, merely caressing his forehead. Kyle shook his head, and Kaleb shrieked in hilarity.

“Are you going to deny you had sex now?” Kenzie asked, and seeing her sister struggle to reply, she snapped at her father, “I demand that Carlos be brought to the military camp for interrogation! Now!”

Laughter roared at the dining area at that point, seeing how deterinined Kenzie was to have Carlos grilled.

“Kenzie, your sister is old enough to make these decisions. She is nearly twenty-eight!” Samantha suggested. “Besides, this is Carlos?”

With a wink, Samantha added, “And they will get married soon. You’ll see.”

“What?” Kenzie shot back. “Just because Carlos is Carlos, he gets a free pass!” Kenzie referred to her husband, Andrew, who was also laughing at her demands. She said to her father, “Dad? Did you forget what you did to my husband? You brought him to the military camp, put him in an isolated room, and even suggested cutting off his balls?”

“How come Kate and Carlos have it easy?” Kenzie demanded.

“May I remind you, my dear daughter, that you… got married without my consent, and you were young back then,” Ethan recounted, referring to Kenzie.


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