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The Devil's Love For The Heiress novel Chapter 42

Chapter 42:

Eating Eggplant Raw ‘Uncle, I need help in suppressing the Mckenzies, especially Hailey. She should face trial for possession of illegal drugs, but I’m sure she’ll get out with bail,” Carlos said to Ethan from inside his study

“I’ll see what I can do,” Ethan replied. “I think she had caused you enough trouble. Trouble for you means trouble for my daughter.” “You should no longer associate yourself with anyone that is linked to her,” Ethan suggested, and Carlos agreed.

After setting the issue of Hailey aside, Carlos brought up the possibility that his father may be alive. He accounted for, “Their only basis is how his signature was on the will, which appeared to be recently furnished.”

Since he did not have the physical document itself, Carlos showed Ethan the pictures of the will and testament through his phone. They studied one slide to another, zooming the document in and out and focusing on the signatures. In the end, Ethan replied, “Did they trace the lawyer who notarized the document?”

“They are still working on it,” Carlos revealed. “They will also interrogate Hugo about the

will »

“But uncle, you were there during my father’s wake. At least I did not get to see his face before he was buried because mother forbade me to, but I know you and aunt did,” Carlos suggested.

Ethan hissed. He leaned back in his seat, his eyes narrowing as he thought about many years back. He replied, “Part of his face was disfigured, but as I remember it, I honestly thought it was Manuel, Carlos.” Seeing the unpleasant expression from Carlos, Ethan suggested, “Carlos, it would be great if your father is alive. I will use my resources to help you retrieve him if he is. However.” Ethan stood up and walked to where Carlos was. He tapped his shoulder and suggested, “I don’t want to raise your hopes up unless we see proof of life… For now, let’s investigate.”

Ethan expressed this because he saw a hint of hope in Carlos’ eyes. He recalled the days when Carlos lost his father, and Ethan did not want him to go through the same suffering all over again, should this theory be inaccurate.

For the rest of that evening, Carlos chatted with Kate’s brothers from the second-floor family area. They drank while covering Carlos’ daily routine.

“So you wake up at four in the morning to run or go to the gym wherever city you may be. Then, you practice tennis with your partner, ending your day with a potential media appearance or social gathering?” Andrew inquired. Carlos nodded and replied, “If there is a match, then it will be about the match and a conference to follow.”

“And you have to be on four continents each year?” Kyle sought.

“At the… very least,” Carlos responded. “There are the Grand Slams, but I also attend other types of tournaments.”

“So, even if it’s not a major tournament, as long as you show your ass there and play tennis, you get a million dollars either way?” Kaleb probed. “Yes, sometimes, the crowd just… wants to see me play.” Carlos proudly admitted.

“The thing about being a superstar,” Andrew remarked. “But keeping your relationship with Kate a secret must be hard.”

Carlos sighed. He answered, “One day, I will tell the world that Kate is my future wife, but while I still have a problem to deal with, I’ll keep Kate sale by keeping her a secret.” Turning to Andrew, he reminded, “That means no one can know how your media company got an exclusive from me, too.”

Andrew raised a hand and swore, “Absolutely.”

“Andrew! Andrew!” Out of nowhere, Kenzie walked in, carrying six pieces of large, curly egsplant. She said, “Do you mind if we stay a little while longer? Kate and I have something serious to talk about.”

“With the.” Andrew frowned, asking, “Use of an eggplant?” “Why do you have so many eggplants, Kenzie?” Kaleb asked. “Something wrong with Kate?” Carlos sought.

“Please, don’t teach Gaby any of your dreadful ideas,” Kyle suggested. “Excuse me, brother dear, whatever we are going to talk about, I’m pretty sure your wife already knows!” Kenzie snapped back. She turned to Carlos and teased, “I’m teaching Kate how to eat eggplants.”


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