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The Devil's Love For The Heiress novel Chapter 44

Chapter 44:

French Open Win “Devil! Devil! Devil!”

“Erik! Erik!”

The stadium was torn into two sides. Chants of their favorite tennis superstars could evidently be heard in the open court of Roland Garros’ complex, Carlos sucked in a breath. He wiped his forehead with his wristband and gripped at his lucky pendant. He kissed it with his eyes closed, wishing for the match to win in his favor. Going against Erik Berg, Carlos had already foreseen a challenging match. However, he had long studied all of Erik’s games. He knew his weaknesses and techniques. Carlos was prepared for that match. Still, he could not deny he was a little distracted over the past few days. Thanks to his tempting Kate, he sacrificed a few practice times. Giving Erik one last look, he bounced the ball on the court before finally tossing it up in the air in preparation for his serve. “Aghh!” After an impressive serve, the two tennis players began to return the ball to each other. Both of them were running across the court, able to apply various tennis strokes. Outside the court, heads were turning. The people were gasping at every near failure. They all watched as Erik swung with a backhand, throwing the ball opposite to where Carlos was. They witnessed the Devil scream as he ran like the wind, his arms stretching to reach the ball. He managed to hit the ball, but due to the angle of Carlos’ racket, the ball flew higher, seemingly landing outside the tennis line. “In,” the referee called, but to confirm the findings, they all waited for the camera replay. After the LED screen showed where the ball landed, the referee repeated, “It’s in. Call Stands. Thirty all.” Carlos and Erik were already in their fifth set, with both of them having won two sets each. That final set would decide the winner of the French Open. After granting The Devil his point, he was behind the service line, ready to serve the ball. Kissing his pendant, Carlos gave another powerful serve. Once again, the audience was on the edge of their seats, watching and forecasting how or where the ball would land. When everyone thought Carlos would throw the ball to Erik’s left service area, he merely deflected it, and the ball landed on the other side of the net. Erik tried to perform a groundstroke. The ball bounced once and then twice!

“Yes!!!!” The crowd roared as Carlos earned another point. Even the sports commentator was left screaming, surprised by Carlos’ stroke.

“Forty Thirty. Advantage, Ronaldo,” the referee announced the score. From then on, silence seemed to have engulfed Carlos. He pecked his pendant again, whispering. “Olie more. One more point.”

in Carlos’ next serve, Erik seemed more determined to return the ball each time. In fact, he purposely threw Carlos off course, hitting the ball and targeting the opposite to where the Devil was exh tirne

Erik returned with a groundstroke. He hit it so hard it would appear as though Carlos would fail to reach the ball. Carlos barely made it, but he managed to return the ball, and it clearly landed in Erik’s service area.

Carlos struck the ball so hard, that Erik failed to hit the ball back. “Game! Ronaldo!” The referee announced.

Everyone saw how the challenging finals still overwhelmed Carlos. He was catching his breath as he raised his hands in the air, still holding his racket

“We love The Devil!”

“We love The Devil!” “Thank you! Thank you!” Carlos waved his hands to his fans, saying the exact words, “I love

you all!”

When he found a camera focusing on him, he showed the camera how he pecked his necklace and mouthed, ‘I love you.’

Carlos knew his Kate would be watching. So he sent her a message only they both would understand.


In the eyes of many viewers worldwide, Carlos was merely returning the love to his fans, but for the person in his heart, she knew exactly the meaning of his gesture.

Back in Braeton City, still at CSK Apparel, Kate was teary-eyed, watching Carlos play. She was especially touched when he sent her a message, looking directly at the cameras. Since Kate was wearing her new bangle, she touched her Circle of Heaven jade and said under her breath, “I love you too.”

The employees at CSK Apparel had a mini party, and while Kate wanted to enjoy Carlos triumph, she preferred to go home to her family, where the celebration would be well-felt

After Kate left, talks about her spread through the office, especially after witnessing her cry after Carlos’ win. Lindsey, Kate’s marketing associate, remarked, “I love my boss, but after seeing her cry and say I love you back to Mister Ronaldo, I conclude she has a major crush on him, like for real… and it might just be an obsession.”

“Well, who doesn’t love The Devil?” said another employee. “Give miss Kate a break.”


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